103 | Sister

478 23 6

I was busy doing today's lunch and trying to turn off my phone, since my mom decided to piss me off today. It's like she chooses the worst days and moments to talk.

She is always texting me and calling me so we can have a meal together. Yeah... we. Mom, Dad and me..... And Blaze.

Pretty weird I know but for some reason she claims that we should eat the four us. And I have already organised two possible outcomes...

1. My parents are divorcing
2. They are killing Blaze

I would bet on the second one. My mom keeps on tiring me with this stupid meal.

But today isn't clearly the day, I am way too busy today. We have plans. Right now my plan is to prepare this chicken.

While I was happily making my delicious chicken the elevator sound alerted me. I frowned... Blaze was sleeping upstairs and I am sure Dorothy knew she didn't need to come today especially at 12:15, so who could that be?

"Good morning mi amor" a high-pitched voice greeted me once the elevator doors opened. I gave a tired and big breath as the sound of her high heels roamed around my floor. "How are you?"

"Mom- what are you doing in my house?" I asked calmly trying to breathe and trying not kill her

"Came to see what's going on, y'know?" she said in a thick Latin accent

"Mama!" I groaned in despair by her lack of understatement " I told you I was busy today!"

"You are always busy" she claimed sitting down on my balcony benches

"But today I amespecially busy"

"Doing what? Overcooking the chicken?" she smiled... look my mom is making jokes, she is either drunk or happy... ahahaha my mom, happy? Well, this is indeed weird...

"No...mom, you should leave I have plans today"

"We should have a meal the four of us" she proposed again

"For what? So you can kill Blaze and we can claim his fortune?" I joked while I watched her smile and shrug of shoulders

"Hm... not a bad thought" she said eating some chips I had over the balcony


"Is just a joke, Elleonora! Live up a bit" she chuckled leaving me suspicious of her behaviour

"Ok mom I will, once you leave!" I stated staring the pasta

"Isn't your husband pretty good at cooking? Why isn't he helping?"

"Today isn't a good day, that reminds me that you should leave"

"please, it's September it's the most monogamic month of the year. There's no such thing as bad days in september" she claimed while eating my chips

"Yes, mom you're right. Now please leave!" I almost begged

"What is so important that you can't have a deal with us?" she questioned

"I can't tell you but it's pretty important"

"What is it?"

"Can't say"

"Oh come on... you used to tell everything to your mother"

"I can't"

"Is it about Blaze? Does he have a dark secret ?" she said wiggling her eyebrows

"Can you leave?"

"Not until you tell me" she said giving me no option, if we continued with this she wouldn't shut up till I told her the truth

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