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Elleonora's pov:

The date was more than perfect after we talked about our past months and the things we said that we both didn't mean, I felt our confidence grow and the heavyweight getting off our shoulders. I felt our relationship was much lighter and free, we were finally on good terms and a relaxed place in our relation.

After Blaze could drop me home, we decided to wander around the busy New York streets while holding hands and talking a bunch of nonsense.

"We should do this more often" I said as I looked inside the busy restaurants

"We should" I saw him smile while looking in front of him. Our precious time was interrupted by my ringing phone

"Hello?" I asked in a surprised and somewhat confused tone once I saw that was my Nana calling

"Tomorrow one o'clock, lunch at Raoul's" Nana said from the other side making me frown my eyebrows

"Reakky? why?" I asked intrigued

"Don't you want your pretty boy to be accepted by your parents? They need to talk have a decent meal"

"Are you sure about this Nana?" I questioned as I watched Blaze concerned face

"I will be there too, relax. Make sure to be there on time! Both of you!" As the words came out of the phone I watched Blaze's relief face when he heard Nana was coming too, she was like her guardian angel.

"Ok... we will be there. Bye Nana" I said


"BYE NANA" Blaze screamed so Nana could hear from the other side

"Yeah, you guys behave!"

"Always" Blaze said with a smirk"

"Have goodnight Nana, kisses to Arturo"I mention she thanked and i turned of the phone

"Seems like we already have plans for tomorrow" he said with a smile

I nodded as I place my phone of the pocket of my jacket "I hope it goes well"

"It will"

"Don't get too cocky" I warned him making him snort

"Me? Cocky? Please when did I ever?" I looked at him with a stern face and he smiled "MAybe a bit sometimes" he confessed but my attention was diverted when I heard someone screaming HOT PRETZELS

"Uhhh" I smiled jumping slightly

"What is the cause for this dance of joy?" he asked looking at me, he followed my gaze landing on the food street seller truck meters away from us

"Let's go get you a pretzel" He said pulling me by my hand towards the ruck of pretzels.

"Hello, Good night! What will this lovely couple want?" The seller welcomed with a smile

"Hello. One big hot pretzel, please" Blaze said taking his wallet while the man gave me the pretzel, my stomached couldn't handle anymore so I took a big bite while humming at the delicious flavor.

"Is it that good?" He questioned with a smile, I nodded and fixed the pretzel so he could give a big bite too.

"Try it" I mentioned. He took a bite of the pretzel and nodded in agreement.

"It is good right?" I asked, his smile grew as he looked in my eyes without saying anything... did he to like it? What's wrong? "What is it?" I asked not liking his weird behaviour

"You should stay with me"

"You know my father said I should be home early" I warned as I gave another bite of the pretzel

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