113 | Self-Disclosure

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Elleonora's PoV:

His grey eyes looked sad, all of him looked sad. I felt my heart ache at the sight, I didn't know if my heart ached by seeing the man who broke my heart after so long or if it ached by seeing the man I loved so down.

However a certain type of joy filled my guts, it was good to know he wasn't that fine, maybe I am being a bad person, maybe I am being selfish but seeing him suffering gives me some sort of satisfaction.

He looked at me with his cold and tired eyes and let the cigarette fall onto the floor stepping on it. " I am sorry for interrupting, I will leave now" I simply said trying to get out of this situation s quickly as I could, thinking of him breaks my heart enough, seeing him just tears me apart, I don't need this right now.

I turned around ready to leave, ready to prepare my mind that this was just a simple illusion but my arm got stuck when I looked down it was his hand stopping me. I stopped looking at him hoping he would say something, waiting that he would step up and say something anything but he didn't.

I sarcastically huffed a laugh thinking how pathetic I was, even after all this I was waiting for him to say something to me. "Don't touch me" I said shaking my arm off his hand

"What are you doing here?" he said finally looking at me, I lifted an eyebrow while analyzing his... what am I doing here? That's his question after freaking months? What am I doing here? Doesn't he know what day it is today? Can't I live my life and celebrate my birthday? GOSH HE IRRITATES ME SO MUCH

"What am I doing here? What the hell do you have to do with that?" I asked looking down at his reckless posture

"You shouldn't be here"

"Why? Because you're here?"

"Yes" He said with a plain face. What an arrogant prick!

"Well I am sorry but I am a free citizen who can go everywhere I goddamn want!"

"You don't under-"

"No, I don't understand Blaze! I do not understand you at all!" I said sternly looking at him with angry eyes " I have become a selfish person because of you, I hope every day that you suffer as much as I do sometimes even worse, I feel like I've become a bad person for willingly wanting you to not be well or even know how that feels"

He shook his head and took his eyes off me completely ignoring me "Look, I don't want to talk about this anymore"

"But I do"

"But I don't"he responded his eyes gazing at mine fiercely  "We are divorced it's over, there is nothing else to talk about"

"Yeah, you clearly just like to put the dust under the table" I chuckled "Maybe if we don't talk about it, it will go away right?"

"Right" He answered "That's me, that's how I am...so can you leave ?"

"Why? do you want me to?" I fired back not afraid of his strict posture and cruel words

"I really do"

"Then I won't" I responded with a smirk "We aren't married so your orders are nothing to me, I am finally a free independent woman again and I can do whatever the hell I want" I responded

"I've changed, Elleonora. I'm not the same person I was when we got married. I can't keep pretending to be someone I'm not and you need to accept it"

"Changed? That's an hell of an excuse... You've come back to being emotionless and cold, and you want to throw away everything we built?"

"Elleonora" he spoke my name, and it still had that stupid effect on me, he called my name like no one else did and that made me angry "it's not about throwing things away. It's about being honest with ourselves. I am not happy, and I can't keep living a lie"

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