Chapter five

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The next day at lunch, Y/N and Luis were sitting together as Luis had his arm wrapped around Y/N's waist and Y/N told him about her day until the same cheerleader from a few days later sat next to Luis and started rubbing his shoulder, angering Y/N. "Hi?" Luis said, shaking the girl's hands off. "Wanna hang out after school?" The girl asked Luis, batting her eyes innocently. "No thanks. I have a girlfriend that I love with all my heart and I'm just not interested in you. You need to respect my relationship with my girlfriend and leave us both alone." Luis said to the girl before she got up and left the two alone.

Y/N looked at Luis before kissing him on the cheekAfter eating their lunch, they heard a huge commotion a few tables by where the cheerleaders ate they started screaming and everyone rushed out of the dining hall. "What the hell was that about?" Luis asked Charlie as he came by their table. "Horseturds." That was all Charlie said before everyone burst into laughter.

The practice later that day went by longer than usual as everyone was doing laps around the rink but Julie was slowing down. "Julie, what's the matter?" Y/N asked Julie, as she placed a hand on her shoulder before Julie leaned over the penalty box and upchucked over and over again. "Y/n, don't worry about Gaffney. More lallygagging more laps!" Coach Orion yelled before Y/N looked back at Julie and did what Orion tells her. "I can't play for this drill sergeant," Charlie muttered. "Play for us, Charlie. The ducks. Come on we need you, man." Fulton said struggling to do the laps perfectly until Charlie helped him. "Okay, bend your knees"

Charlie instructed, demonstrating Fulton as Coach Orion watched how Charlie was helping him as he was also watching Julie continue to throw up. "Julie the Cat! What's the matter you eat a furball or something?" Orion called out as Goldberg skated behind him laughing at the comment he made. "That was a good one, Coach." Goldberg joked. "Goldberg, get in the net," Orion ordered which Goldberg gladly accepted.

Y/N, Luis, Connie, Russ, and Kenny skate in on two defenders Charlie and Guy. Coach Orion skates in their midstDwayne and Guy jostle for the puck in the corner. Dwayne kicks it free behind the net where Charlie picks it up, looking for an opening to clear itHe moves left, but Y/n and Russ come flying at him. He panics and sends the puck across the net where Averman intercepts it and gets set to pull the trigger.

"Freeze! I said freeze!" Coach Orion said as everyone stayed completely still like statues except for Averman who was still skating before hitting the boards. "Averman!" Y/N groaned. "I did freeze." He protested"Where's the one place you never want to clear the puck?" Coach Orion asked Charlie. "It looked-" Charlie said. "Just answer the question, Conway," Orion ordered.

"Listen I'm not a defense person! I'm a scorer!" Charlie exploded at Orion, making Y/N jump in fear. Orion looked at Charlie before he gestured his fingers for Charlie to follow him. Charlie groaned before following Orion to the penalty box where Orion opened it for Charlie and Charlie stomped his way in before throwing his hockey stick to the side"Everyone else takes a knee."

Orion ordered as everyone got down on one knee before Orion picked up the puck from the ice. "What's the one thing that all great teams have in common?" Orion asked. "Great coaching." Averman smirked.

"Don't try and suck up to me Averman," Orion snapped. "Defense. Unlike scoring, the defense never takes a day offIt never quitsBut to play great defense, you need one thing above all else... ConfidenceIf you learn nothing else here, learn this...because it's not just about hockey. It's easy to be confident when you're in control of the puck. It's very difficult to keep your confidence when you have to take whatever strange bounces or wicked shots life throws your way."

He throws the puck straight up in the air. it turns and turns and falls until 'Coach Orion's outstretched hand snatches it out of mid-airWhen you're not afraid to attack the game when you're not in control...The game is yours!" Orion said, placing the puck in his pocket.

After practice, Y/N and Luis sit near the pond, having lunch together. "You excited for tomorrow's game?" Luis asked, taking a bite out of his turkey sub. "I'm a little nervous. I mean my mom and dad are both flying from Los Angeles to see me play." Y/N shrugged, sipping her iced tea. "Ah, come on, I've seen you play. You're going to do great tomorrow. I promise." Luis reassured her, putting his bigger hand in her smaller hand. "Thank you, cara mia," Y/N whispered, placing a soft kiss on Luis's cheek before they went back to talking to normal stuff.

The mighty ducks x reader x Luis Mendoza Where stories live. Discover now