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The next morning, the Ducks were in their original uniforms as the Varsity looked at them with rage written on their faces and the ant bites covering their entire faces. Goldberg takes his place in goal and starts doing his pregame stretches but Julie skates over to him"Coach says that I'm the starter," Julie stated"Coach? I don't see any coach" Goldberg declared as he looked around the rink. "We'll split the shiftsI want a piece of these guys.Julie saidY/N was circling Rick as they gave each other death stares. Charlie then has a face off with Rick"First to ten. Full check." Rick said"Bring it on," Charlie said. RICK easily wins the draw and throws an elbow into CHARLIE'S face as he goes by.

COLE goes around FULTON like he's standing stillGUY and CONNIE converge on COLE who slides the puck back to RICK and then levels CONNIE and GUY. RICK skates in unopposed, shoots

right. GOAL! CHARLIE leads the flying V out of the Freshman zone. They cross their blue line... 62. The VARSITY assumes their defensive posture, skating backward with perfect balance and ease. The instant the V hits the center line, the Varsity CENTER takes a run at CHARLIE. He throws a beautiful "fake check" which CHARLIE falls for... and the flock falls over CHARLIE! The VARSITY CENTER picks up the loose puck, skates in... looks right... shoots left... GOAL! The Varsity CENTER slides on one knee-triple pumping with his best hot dog move.

Y/N tries to get at Rick but is pushed roughly into the boards by Cole. She groaned before turning to her side, groaning, before looking up at Cole, grimacing as he laughed at her before skating off "Y/n/n!" Luis shouted as he skated over to Y/n to help her up. "Are you okay?" He asked her over and over again. "T'm fine," Y/N reassured him before they both skated back on defense"We can't win if they're gonna cheap shot us to death," Y/N told the Ducks "Don't show them you're hurtJust keep playing." Charlie told her. Just then, everyone started fighting with one anotherEVERYONE PAIRS UP AND SQUARES OFFIt's a very unfair slugfest. The VARSITY has got the FRESHMEN down and almost out. COLE is pounding on DWAYNE FULTON breaks away to help out. They are oatmanned. Suddenly the floods come on, And ORION is there, lividHe hurls players apart. He's intense.

"STOP! Break it upNOW! Right now!" Coach Orion demanded as everyone broke up the fight"It's a damn good thing I'm not your coach...now get your team out of here!" Orion demanded Rick. RICK and the VARSITY quickly disappear, leaving the FRESHMEN to face the Coach's wrath. Their heads are down. ORION'S eyes burn with anger, but his low, controlled voice makes him sound even scarier than when he was shouting at the Varsity. "Congratulations. You have just forfeited whatever mental edge you might have had over the VarsityNow they know they own you" Orion sarcastically congratulated the freshmanY/N had raised her head as the thought never occurred to her before. "This isn't pee-wee's. Your little Duck tricks won't work at his level. For the last time, stay away from the Varsity, and I want those Duck jerseys off now!" Coach Orion ordered everyone as everybody did as he commanded except for Charlie who crossed his arms over his chest.

"You have two choices, Conway. You take off your jersey right now---or you don't play." Orion told Charlie. "You're breaking up the best thing any of us have ever had," Charlie mutters loud enough for Orion to hear him. "Well, it's time to grow up" Orion shrugged. "Charlie, just do what he says. There's no need-." Y/N intervened but was silenced by Orion who placed his hand up at her"Don't intervene L/N. It's his choice." Orion statedmaking Y/n shut up completely. "Grow up? Like you, huh? A washed-up pro who has to show off to a bunch of kids. Geez, that's grown-up" Charlie said to Orion before Orion dismissed him, tired of hearing the insult Charlie's throwing at him"Anybody else?" Orion shouted before Fulton left right behind Charlie. "Okay, goodbye Fulton," Orion said"It seems to me, your pride as Ducks are holding you back as hockey players. From this moment on, the Ducks are dead!" Orion loudly announced as tears threatened to spill from Y/n's eyes. The death knell of the Ducks hits them hard. CHARLIE and FULTON look back before they step off the ice for goodThey are disappointed to see their friends stay"No one's forcing any of you to be here. It's your life. You decide what to make of them. All rightTwenty laps, then hit the showers" Orion told the remaining freshman as everyone started doing the laps and looked back at their discarded Duck jerseys on the floor.

The mighty ducks x reader x Luis Mendoza Where stories live. Discover now