2; Hold the applause.

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Shuri Special Forces HQ.

"Abso-fucking-lutely not!" Isaac was quick to show his disagreement, his expression yawing furious. "How can we accept her of all people into the Alpha team?" He shifted his gaze to the Chief, as if to see whether the man was pulling some cheap trick on them or something.

He can't possibly be serious...right?

The older man didn't say a thing. He simply held up his unwavering smile, his eyes never once leaving the members'. It was as if he anticipated the reaction-and he did. How could he not? Of everyone, he knows the hatred, or more like, the ill thoughts the team members have for Cypher. She has after all given them a hard time for months.

Still, he tried to interject. "Isaac--"

"The chick's a fucking criminal!" The said man went on to exclaim, his slightly British accent making an appearance-a clear indication of him spending quite a few years in the UK. He had a finger pointed in Inaya's direction first, before his glare shifted to her figure.

And what did she do?

She simply let out a small chuckle, as if finding the entire ordeal amusing. Realizing how the place became eerily quiet, and how all eyes were on her then due to her action, she rose a hand to cover her mouth. "I-I'm sorry, I just--" She tried to feign a look of seriousness, but failed woefully.

This time, she let out a full blown chuckle, as if she couldn't tell how tense the air was. She could, she just found it entertaining to be honest.

"-you guys are funnier than I expected." She added, when her chuckle died down. She still donned a huge grin though, her jaw moving as she went on to keep chewing her gum with little care in the world.

Isaac stared at her for a few seconds in disbelief, before shifting the gaze to Chief as if to ask whether he really is serious? Is he blind to not see she's not fit to be anywhere near them? When he got no answer, but rather a slight mocking snort from the woman in the picture, he let out a loud scoff and turned around.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" He mumbled under his breath, running a hand through his hair in need of a trim. He went ahead to run the hand down his face, his back now facing her because God knows his anger will only spike up if he stares at her for a second more.

She should've gotten the memo and got off his back, but she didn't. Instead, when she did get the memo, she decided to tear it in pieces and burn it down to ashes-clearly, she chose violence.

"You know..." She leaned back, her legs stretched in front of her while she used both hands to support her weight. Her eyes were fixed on the man's back, her sly grin never once wavering. "...you should make it less obvious this chick bruised your skyscraper ego." Her voice dropped as she let out a mocking chuckle, head tilted to the side slightly. "Your misogynist ass hurts from the fall, doesn't it?"

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