17; A sudden twist.

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Four Years Ago.

Baita Cantonment, Bauchi State.

Who eventually broke the staring contest? Neither of them could tell. Well, after a few seconds of intense staring with neither willing to back down in order to prove that none was willing to be pushed around, Aadil's gaze flicked from hers to her sneaker covered feet still stretched on his table with no care in the world.

Fighting the urge to push them off, he simply opted for meeting her gaze again, before making a quick action of staring at it again, and then the floor—a silent gesture for her to drop them.

Instead of heeding to his words, her smirk simply stretched slightly as she leaned back on the chair comfortably. This time around, she even crossed her arms over her torso—and kept her eyes fixed on him.

What? Did he expect her to do as he asked? Sorry...as he gestured? Nah, it can't be her he's addressing. He didn't even utter a word—how is she supposed to understand when he seems to have a problem with his vocal cords.

Realizing she hasn't moved an inch to do as he wanted, Aadil's eyes slanted upwards to meet hers again—only this time around, his eyes were narrowed slightly. His hand curled by the side, his mind throwing a thousand scenarios on how he could handle the situation; none of which is appealing to one's sight.

The sizzling anger burning in his orbs were almost visible—he was already irritated to begin with and she's only sprinkling fuel all over it, making it a blazing ball of fire. She was doing what she's known for best without even doing much. She was brewing chaos, and she's only been there for what? An hour?

To make matters worse, even as he is upset, she simply tiled her head to the side—the music coming from her airpods blaring in her ear. In her head, she assumed smoke coming out of his ears, and drew horns on his head to make him seem like an angry devil. She even gave him a flaring red cape all in her head to give him the full irritated to the core cartoon character look.

To be frankly honest with you, she found the entire thing extremely comedic. She had to fold in her lips to stop herself from bursting into fits of laughter—though a slight snort came which she didn't bother to hide. And what does her mocking attitude do to Aadil? It annoyed the crap out of him.

Luckily, it seemed Sergeant Mahmoud saw it as well. How could he not? He's always alert when Aadil is in a bad mood so he could step in and intervene before things end badly for the one on the receiving end.

Detaching himself from the spot he had planted himself in, he was quick to swiftly walk ahead to reach where she is. Planting himself right in front of her, he noticed the two were still yet to break their staring contest. He didn't dwell on that though—he stretched his hand out and was quick to unplug one of the airpods out; instantly gaining her attention.

"Miss, drop your legs on the floor." He voiced out, his tone strong—or at least, he tried to be. He had been trying to act more like his superiors though he couldn't tell if he was excelling or not.

Inaya slanted her head in the direction of the man, before she quirked a brow slightly—her smile never faltering. If anything, it widened slightly seeing the stern look the man was sporting; hoping to intimidate her. The action made her pout her lips slightly, before muttering not so lowly under her breath. "How cute."

Letting out a small sigh, she retracted her legs from the table and dropped them on the floor, before instantly crossing them. They were starting to get a bit sore from being in the same position for a while, she was tired as well.

Still, her left hand extended behind her slightly, her head not turning around this time. She didn't say a thing, already assuming the man in question understood what she meant. When she was allowed in that position for the next few seconds, she looked over her shoulders—her brows now drawn in and lips slanted into a slight frown.

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