6; Mount Everest ain't got shit on me.

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Shuri Special Forces HQ.

Tilting his head to the side slightly to get rid of the cramp there, Aadil found his eyes flicking close for a brief second when the crack sound came. He didn't feel any pain, instead relief flooded through his veins.

He kept those thoughts aside, and instead focused on making his way to his destination. His feet moved past the Alpha Team Meeting room, taking a turn down another lane that led to the leader's lounge. Rows of doors dusted either sides of the wall, each having a gold plait above it with the name of the owner.

At the very end, the biggest, and double door stood in its glory. The gold plait this time holding a name intricately written in a fine font, yet still boldly showed the name, 'Chief Rabiu Bello'. In simple words, the office belonging to the head of the Shuri Forces, the man at the helm. One that not just anyone can waltz into his office, even if the person is a worker there. And yet, Aadil wasn't just anyone. He has never been.

Wordlessly, he pushed the door open with no warnings whatsoever. Instantly, the Secretary there seated behind her table instantly got on her feet, ready to send back whoever it was that wanted to interrupt the Chief's private time. It was his stern request to not let anyone in, and she fully intended to uphold that order.

However, as she hastily waddled her way to stop Aadil from reaching the second door that actually leads to the man's office, she found herself halting having went to stand in front of him. Her determined gaze slowly melted into a slightly panicked one when he slanted his cold narrowed gaze to her.

She swallowed thickly, her hands suddenly clammy. If there was one person anyone knew not to mess with in Shuri, then it was the Captain of the Alpha Team. He wasn't one to get into fights like other Captains, or to look down at anyone.

However, he doesn't get involved in anything at all. He doesn't get caught up in that superior cloud, he doesn't demand respect from anyone, party like the others when they win a case, or get involved in anything scandalous. He was known to focus on his work, and nothing else.

Still, that alone earned him a huge amount of respect from almost everyone there-one which went along with fear. It was his nonchalant attitude that gets to people the most. He never needed to voice out a threat, a single look, or more like glare does it.

It works all the time, and it certainly worked in that moment as well.

The secretary swallowed thickly, and fiddled with her fingers. Unable to hold up that glare of his, she hung her head low and stepped aside, giving him way to go in. As she watched his back through her lashes make his way further into the office, she could only hope she wasn't about to lose her job.

The doors closed behind him, as he disappeared from her sight. The minute he stepped foot in the office though, the older man already knew who it was without having to look up or even say a word.

Instead, he beat him to it. "You're here earlier than usual." He commented, from behind the large executive office table. "What's today's issue about?" His gaze was fixed on the file he's going through-no doubt a case some other team handled, or a case that will be handled.

There's a long list of that really. Thankfully, there are enough teams to do the job, and they all do their jobs efficiently. Else, Shuri wouldn't be where they are.

Aadil calmly made his way over to one of the sofas placed a little bit away from the office table, sinking into the posh leather that welcomed him warmly. Even in a position that's supposed to be laid back, something about his posture still seemed stiff.

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