11; Black Diamond.

537 134 25

Shuri Special Forces, Abuja.

Monday came, signifying yet another day for another face-off. Well, not really but it'll depend on how things eventually turn up. It was the day the Alpha Team would see whether Aadil had changed his mind about working with Inaya or not. They doubt it, since everyone knows how stubborn he is. He isn't one to change his mind, especially not over things like this. Nothing's impossible though, especially not with Inaya around. Her presence there simply changed the basis of everything. It appears things will no longer be as they once were.

If Chief would bring in someone who has been a constant problem for them, right into their base and in their team, then who says pigs wouldn't fly next? Still, no one could be certain...until they see it all play out right in front of their eyes.

At exactly 8:00am, Inaya stepped into Shuri HQ with her head held up high. Unlike the last time where she came before others arrived, and gained little attention to herself, this time around it was different.

The people are Shuri truly are like one big family-especially when it comes to the teams. Since each team has a maximum number of ten people in it-it's safe to say everyone knows one another. So, the minute they saw a face none of them is familiarized with, strolling in casually with squared shoulders-it was impossible for them to not give her second glances.

Inaya donned a Kotn Fitted turtleneck tucked in a pair of dark straight pants. As an extra layer, she had on a grey button-up shirt like an open cardigan on top. A Jenny bird necklace dangled from around her neck, resting on the turtleneck to give it a more feminine look to the whole thing.

Still, her left hand remained buried in the pocket of her pant, and her eyes bespectacled. Her sneaker clad feet gave her the comfort she needed, because she had no energy in her to torture her poor feet with high heels or something similar. She would rather choose comfort over anything else.

She could feel their gazes on her, as they went on to draw various conclusions as to who she is. Obviously, her true identity, as Cypher that is will be the last one to cross their minds. Everyone there knows Cypher, the hacker that no one can uncover. No one there has ever encountered her, so no one even knows whether Cypher is a man or a woman.

Most of them just concluded the person to be some nerd guy with big round glasses that lives with his grandmother or something.

Inaya wondered how they would react if they knew Cypher, the one person almost everyone there was hoping to find, and catch in order to get a promotion or something is her. That she is casually strolling into Shuri, a place considered the lion's den with her head held up high.

Her entire aura oozes that of female FBI's in a movie, or a drama. She was definitely dressed for the part as well. The only thing missing is for her to trade the button up with a leather jacket, and the sneakers with a high heel. That would be it, they would have their Nigerian version of FBI agent in movies.

Not giving much thought to the people around there, she casually made her way to the elevator and stepped in. Luckily, she was the only one there so she tapped the button that would take her to the third floor, where the Alpha Team is based.

The team is that important that they have half the floor to themselves-the other half belonging to the heads working along with the Chief. Safe to say, the Alpha Team is the pride of Shuri, without them, the agency wouldn't exactly be where it is.

They took the role of Police in Nigeria to a whole other level-giving it a more polished, and sophisticated look. They are all still considered Police officers who go out to fields and work, only to return to their posh offices and enjoy some air conditioner with the best abilities at their beck and call. At that point, it was the dream of most teenagers growing up to be part of Shuri-parents consider it as if one has made it in life. Everyone held Shuri in such a high regard.

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