26; Something called love.

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Four Years Ago.

Kari Residence, Bauchi State.

"What do you think you're doing?" Aadil was quick to ask, having dragged Inaya away from the prying eyes of his overly interested mother and equally annoying brother. It's enough to deal with them alone on a normal base, but here is Inaya trying to make it all worse.

Seriously? Are they out to make his life hell or something?

Inaya pressed her lips together, before it stretched into her infamous wide smiles; as if she has no worries in the world. "Visiting my potential in-laws, of course. What does it seem like to you?"

He gave her an unimpressed look, his eyes narrowed in slits. If she is a child, he would've scolded her to no ends. Quite unfortunately, he couldn't think of how to even start. It's Inaya in the picture, is there really a book way to handle her?

Flicking his eyes close, he took in a deep breath to calm himself so as to not say something wrong. To say he was upset would be an understatement, because he couldn't think of a single reason why she would show up at his house unannounced like that.

When he had his thoughts in check, he flicked his eyes open to meet her still mischief filled ones. "How did you even find this place?" Was all he could ask, because the knowledge of how she got there seemed like the first question he needed asked.

He could've thought of the possibility of her looking into his information folder at work, but he didn't include a thing about that residence there. Plus, people aren't really aware of his father's house there—it was one of those properties that are kept from the public. So, how could she have known?

She pressed her lips together to hold back a smile, before she shrugged. "I told you before, I know a thing or two about computers." She decided to say, instead of going into details about how she may or may not have tapped his phone.

He frowned, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What?" He couldn't understand with just that, he needed answers in words. She mentioned the thing about computers before as well, but he disregarded it. She bringing it up yet again meant there has to be some sort of importance attached to it. "What's with you and computers?"

She blinked, pretending to think. It didn't last long though, because a few seconds later, her lips slanted into a wide grin. "A deep love." She stated. "Just like the one we share."

"God." Aadil muttered under his breath, looking away to reign his annoyance down. Would this woman ever miss a chance to not get on his nerves with such talks of hers. She seems to be gaining more confidence blurting out such nonsense.

She's getting awfully comfortable pursuing him openly as well. He hated being teased by her like that.

Inaya could only smile though, already knowing that statement must've managed to stir his mind away from his earlier question. She wasn't ready to answer it.

And she was right, because all he could focus on then was her earlier statement. He felt the need to put an end to such talks before it could go far. Who knows what she will do next?

"You should stop that." He stated in a firm tone, his eyes staring her down.

She feigned a frown and ignorance. "Stop what?"

"This," He gestured between them. "stop this nonsense you're doing. It's getting old."

She looked down for a brief second, chuckling under her breath. When she looked up again, she seemed more determined. "Do you want me to spell it out for you instead?" Inaya inquired, quirking he brow effortlessly. Folding her hands behind her back, she took a step closer to him; leaving only a reasonable distance between them. Tipping her head up, her eyes never left his as she added. "I can't, and won't stop because I want you."

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