13; You Follow the Rules. I make them.

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Shuri Special Forces, Abuja.

Isaac's brows instantly arched upwards slightly, his lips slanting into a mocking smile. "Well, no offense," The way he voiced out the words showed he meant the exact opposite. Clasping his hands in front of her, his smile widened only slightly. "that wasn't our aim."

If it was an hour ago that he said that, Inaya would've retorted with something that would without a doubt bruise that ego of his. But, she wasn't exactly in the mood not so surprisingly. So, she simply leaned back in her seat slightly; her face impassive. "And so?"

"So," It appeared her dismissive remark alone irked him, though he still held up his tight lipped, forced smile. "Your plan doesn't count in the slightest."

"You mean saving helpless kids whose lives are on the line doesn't count?" She wanted him to hear how ridiculous his words sounded. He has poked a side of hers that she doesn't kid with in the slightest.

His smile fell, because deep down even he knew how it sounds. But, he only put it that way because he was looking for the tiniest chance to get under her skin. Brushing her words to the side, he shifted his gaze away from her—choosing to not reply. Turning his attention to the others, he went on to explain. "The army are on the task of saving the kids; and unless things go wrong, we don't have to step into the field."

"Then what do they want us to do then?" Kamal spoke up, having held his silence for a while. His expression was no longer sponsored by that laid back look of his. It was clear the video stirred a side of them all, the side that brought them to Shuri in the first place. To help those helpless, and save those whose lives are on the line.

"To find their exact location." Isaac answered, turning around to the screen to explain the new image that has taken over. It seemed to be a virtual map of some sort, with various locations standing out. "They've tried to pin it, but as you can see, the signal is coming from different places." There were over eight locations standing out. "Boripe—Osun, Eleme—Port Harcourt, Ikom—Cross River, Ibadan South East, Keffi—Nasarawa, Birnin Gwari—Kaduna, Goronyo—Sokoto, and Dass—Bauchi."

"So, it has to be one of these eight places?" Rukayya thumb ran across her knuckle, the wheels in her head turning.

"Or, none at all." Kamal chirped in, moving his gaze to her before he went on to elaborate. "They could've used that to mess with the investigation." If the military was set out to comb through all those eight places thoroughly, it will take eternity. But with those kids lives in danger, they probably wouldn't hesitate to set out and do so if it is what it'll take. "It could've been a distraction for them to commit more crimes while getting the military off their backs. Kills two birds with one stone."

As the realization of the truth behind his words dawned on her, Rukayya found herself letting out a scoff of disbelief. "Seems they are getting smarter by day." She stated. "I'm certain someone high up is involved. They couldn't have possibly pulled this off on their own." Flicking her eyes up, she looked at each member—as if to see if someone's sharing the same thought as her.

They didn't comment on it, because though they haven't voiced it out before, they all assumed it was a general knowledge that those bandits are being sponsored by the higher-ups for various reasons. That's the ugly truth that people refuse to accept.

It's always those holding up smiles in public, that end up being the actual rotten apples in the society. It was obvious they don't want the insecurity to end, after all, while people suffer because of it—that works as a way for them to load their pockets or pave brighter paths for them as the 'heroes'. As if.

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