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I was pulled into the dark store room by a very strong hands. I wanted to scream but as I lifted my head to stare at the light brown eyes staring back at me with the minimal morning light from the window, i knew i shouldn't be screaming.

As he stared at me with a very playful yet intense gaze, it was hard for me to maintain eye contact. I lowered my eyes and looked at his clothes and accessories. He wore a very deep royal blue suit which showed out his perfect figure and the accessories made him look like a little mafia.

Suddenly he pushed me back and pinned me in the wall while lifting my chin with his hands to meet his gaze.

"Look at me Rhea!". That's when i got back my voice. We are in the middle of the farewell!!!

"Hey, what's wrong with you??why did you pull me in here??"

"I think i found a pirate with a large gun and knife in here, that's why I wanted to show you him!!"

"What?!are you crazy??!what the hell is wrong with you??"

"Why did you ignore me??"

"Me? I ignored you? When??"

"Don't act innocent! Why were you avoiding me, my little devil"

"Hey!! I'm not devil! And you are asking me why I was ignoring you when all the girls in the school, from my juniors to seniors are only talking about your handsome looks and smile!! Who told you to smile for them??"

"What?? Rhea, look i know you are possessive,but--"

"Who's possessive? I don't care anything about you!!"

"Anyways look, i don't care about anyone other than you, my little devil!!"

I tried my best to not blush. Just then the announcement for people to gather near the dias was announced by our English teacher.

I pushed him a little and hurried back to the dias with medals and trophies in a tray.

The farewell went really well and things went back to normal. It was evening already and seniors were having their alone time in the school and they also decided to eat dinner out tonight. Juniors were sent back to house after all the celebration got over by 5 or 6 pm.

As i reached the door steps, i overheard the conversation inside the home.

"Hey, why do you always get drunk while coming back to home??"

"What is wrong with you? I earn, i drink. What's your problem??don't you think i don't know about your relationship with mr.fowler, the neighbour??how dare you question about me, when you are going around with  men when you have your husband at home??"

"Why do you speak like this?? Just don't blame me without knowing anything. Mr. Fowler is a good man, he is moreover like a brother for me-"

"Hey shut up!?you fool! Do you think i believe in all your lies?"he snapped harshly.

I just couldn't hear them fight anymore. I walked out and sat at the large portico out side the house, which was built for the sole purpose for us to play in childhood.

Things were getting out of hand. Mom and dad started fighting little by little after sashan's death. Mom still grieves over him. While dad doesn't stay at home. If he comes back, he makes a chaos.

I tried at first to stop their fighting but i was completely ignored and sometimes scolded by of them harshly for interrupting "elder's talk". I was completely done and exhausted and tired and confused and hungry. I hugged my knees and sat in the swing.

I was snoozing off, slowly into my dream world. Top of the mountain, dense forest underneath, fresh water flowing. It's where I lived. Very casual athletic clothing wrapping around my skin, i was in a tree house, previously built by me, pulling over a worn out shawl over my shivering figure.

I was being awaken by someone. Someone sweet. Someone who i missed terribly. As i opened my eyes i stared into a greyish blue eyes filled with care,love and mystery. She was wearing a full black outfit with a leather jacket which complimented her jet black hair.

She was back. Actually, found. My best friend, my sister, my other half, my kaii, she was back. I leapt into a tight bear hug. I felt safe, calm, contempt, understood,trusted,believed and loved. Somethings which i have felt before many years. I felt being back to home, a real home.


Thank you for reading. I would appreciate your comments and votes. Thank you

-Amaira Rhea ❣️✨

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