ch 13

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With a little hope and heart beating faster than my steps i was looking forward on seeing him. I knew no explanation could prove his side but still i wanted to give him a chance. After all I'm just a teenager who listens to heart more than the brain. That is exactly why i am here.

I turned the corner of the cafeteria when i saw what i shouldn't have.

Dharshith stood there with his hand wrapped around a girl. That's when she saw amaira looking into dharshith's eyes with love and her laugh made her feel so uncomfortable. She couldn't believe her eyes.  He didnt want to do anything with her anymore that's why he moved on her and got together with amaira the same day itself. That's when amaira looked in her direction and found her standing there, question her existence.

She turned around and walked away. But they followed her.
"Rhea, Rhea! Listen na"
She wanted to turn around and lash out at both of them. But she chose not to.

She walked faster.
Dharshith turned her around by pulling her wrist.

" Listen, it's not what it looks like. She is-"

" I don't want to hear any of your explanation. I am not angry. I don't want to even look at you guys. And you Amaira, how could you? Just get lost"

I walked away from there. I don't want to do anything with them.

She want to forget everything.  Every person that lied to her.  She felt as if she is living in a dream.  A world created with lies.  Everything that she believed was true was a clean lie.  She didn't want to trust anyone. 

As i walked away in the corridor to the field outside everyone that i saw made me question.  My anxiety was high.  Suddenly the heat of the situation hit me with bricks.  How am I gonna trust anyone again.  Everyone around me is illusion.  Will i ever dare to trust anyone again?

Slowly but clearly her eyes gave up. Her legs felt wobbly. And the next minute her head hit the ground. And was lying there like a beautiful tulip but withered.

" DO YOU CARE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF MR?" Sridhar stormed into the classroom.

"What the hell. Why do you shout like this in a classroom. Our problems can wait. People stare at us. Keep your voice low."

" How can I when just few minutes ago my sister was unconsciously lying in the hot sun. And as people say it's only after she met you. And you have to explain yourself.NOW!"

"Is-is she alright?"

" For god's sake, she is good. Just say what you did and what the hell did she see."

" Amaira hugged me. And it gave her a wrong impression about our relationship."

" That snitch. What did she want?"

" She is clearly not someone we think of her.  She hates Rhea.  More than we think.  She paid off Narun to spill the truth to Rhea. That is what i wanted to confront her about but she hugged me.  And now as we had a rift in our relationship, she wants to take everything that Rhea has.  Especially me."

" Why didn't you say this to her."

" Your sister is as adamant and stuck up as you.  She was not even ready to hear me speak and how do you expect her to believe me over her so called best friend?  If she can spill few tears and turn up the truth who would your sister believe? Me or Amaira?"

" I- i don't know what to say. I think i can help you. She trusts me and believes me so we can confront her. Or we can ask help from Kai."


As i opened my eyes ms. Harper, the kind nurse greeted me with a smile.

" I- how did i come here?" Still my head throbbed a little.

" Our school SPL sridhar, he bought you here."

" Oh- how did he know? Where is he?"

" The whole school knows dear. And he was so upset about you. As soon as he knew you were okay he said he wanted to meet someone. And who is he to you? "

" He is my brother"

" I never heard he had  a sister"

" Actually he is not my own brother but still he cares for me as his own sister"

"Aw... I wish I had someone like him. Take care dear. Don't lose him for anyone."

I nodded. I knew who he went to meet.

The door opened.

" Can we have a minute alone ms. Harper"

"Sure sir"

Rhea we have something important that you should know.

" I don't want to hear any of your reasons. And anna don't believe whatever he says.  You guys have already fooled me enough.  From every small age i was cheated and lied to.  Do you think that hiding things, twisting the plot would do me good. I really don't want to trust anyone again. I dont know if I can. AND I REALLY FUCKING WISH YOU WERE THERE INSTEAD OF MY BROTHER THAT NIGHT" i looked at dharshith in the eye when i said the last line.

I knew it hurt. It stung for me more than him. I shouldn't have said it. I never really meant it.  But the hurtful look in his eyes shoot daggers in my heart.  That's when i noticed his eyes were full of sorrow, anger and hurt.
He was hurt.
I hurt him.
I hurt the person I loved.


Thank you for reading. I would appreciate your comments and votes. Thank you.

-Amaira Rhea ❣️✨

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