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" I was about to turn away and walk when i saw dharshith, but he walked fast  before me and stood there blocking my way"

"I need to speak with you!"

"I am not interested to do some crappy talking with someone like you". There were many foul words and unhealthy lines in my mind but i chose not to do so.

"But i want to, please, things can be solved only when you speak!!"

" Is there something that isn't fucked up? Things can be solved but not people! Especially not me!"

"Please, people are staring, let's speak and sort out!"

"If you thought once about people staring at you or atleast about me before pushing my brother in the street like that, We wouldn't have been here!". I was ready to snap at him. My blood boiled to that extend where my bones could have become tender. Just looking at him reminded me of the incident Narun said,  of the scenario i made up in my mind.  I hate him.

"I know but still please listen to me once!".

I lost it. "I am not ready to listen to you. I don't want to. And if you dare to disturb me again i wouldn't hesitate to raise my hands on you!". With that i moved from there furiously. People stared but none dared to come in my way.

I couldn't cry or shout,. I felt numb. It was too shocking to even accept it even after everyone accepted it happened.  I was sitting in my class with heads down in the bench.  Someone came and sat next to me. I didn't wanna look up to see who it might me. 

"Rhea, Everyone is speaking about you and dharshith all over the school!"

"I know and i don't care."

"But you should atleast try to speak with him once to understand him"

I sat straight.  "You want me to hear him out and understand the reason for him to push my brother that day in the street which caused him his life and me my happiness, my life and my soul?  I already said i don't want to speak with you.  And you, you were so stone hearted to lie about my brother's death two times. Get lost!"

He looked hurt. But it didn't bother me. " Look I'm sick and tired of everything. Of your lies, of your fake words. You guys are creating me a fake world, do you understand that? Don't you? You keep hiding me from the truth, And suddenly things become clear because you can't keep hiding the truth forever! Maybe it is even an act saying you love me!". I let out a sigh.

He quickly opened his mouth." Rhea,. I can accept everything that you said because it was all my fault but please don't say i loved you as an act.  I really meant every word i said to you. You were my sister and will always be. Sashan really got me promised to love you all through thick and thins. And i would do it, No matter what.  Soon You might get it, I know i am wrong i should have said it to you earlier but I'm sorry, i couldn't.  I was afraid you would hate me. I was afraid i would lose you. I am really sorry my sissy. I really love you!!".

He was about to stand up. I pulled his hand and made him sit along.

"Anna, Im sorry it was not your fault but still i lashed out at you. Im really sorry. I love you, i will. But not him, i can never forgive him. I wish he was fucking dead! "

"God! Silly girl what did i say about cursing??"

"Im sorry" and i smiled sheepishly.

"Mind your words miss. And atleast listen to him once. Please, for me. I know you would!" With that he kissed my forehead and left the class.

Students came and filled the room in less than 5 mins. Class might start in 10 mins and my brother's words were loud in my mind. I will speak with him once for my brother. A little part of my heart, The dumbest part of me wanted to give him a chance again.


Thank you for reading. I would appreciate your comments and votes. Thank you.

-Amaira Rhea ❣️✨

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