Chapter 17

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Alex had his arm wrapped around my clothed waist. All this seems to be happening so fast, it feels like as if it wasn't supposed to happen so soon. We just got together yesterday and today, we are here, going to have Sex? Bizarre.

"You seem worried, Y/N, I promise I won't feel bad if u deny doing it right now! Please, just say the word! Don't feel burdened! Don't feel bad! It's your body darling, just tell me! We can give it time" He smiled so beautifully at me and his eyes held nothing but truth.

I sighed "I think it's too soon for all this Alex ....can we please do it some other time?" I held his hand. He kissed my forehead "You don't have to say please or ask me! It's your body baby and I am fine with every decision you make! I love you!"

His words were making me fall more for him. Just how kind can a person be? I placed a small kiss on his lips "Thank you so much" He just smiled and hugged me "I am yours baby, you are mine. We can do it any time! Whenever you want to!" Everybody deserves an Alex in their lives.

"I was just thinking you might feel bad if I deny now" I looked deeply into his warm brown eyes. He shook his head "Don't feel guilty at all! Sex doesn't prove love! We can wait and take our time! Let's take a nap for now?" He asked and I nodded.


Alex had his arm around my waist and I had my back against his chest. He was back hugging me and sleeping peacefully. I could hear his soft snores. Everything was so peaceful and I don't know why but I think something's going to happen, something bad.

Maybe call me superstitious but I think this is the silence before the storm. My thoughts again and again would travel back to Zeus. I wasn't able to sleep with Alex, maybe I was physically here with him but mentally, my head was occupied with the dark haired male.

I wonder how cunning he can be? Like planning all those things out? Creating chaos between me and Alex and why? Was he jealous of us? Did he hate Alex? Or does he hate me? I don't know what happens in his mind.

If bad, why hot? I sighed and held onto Alex's hand who was still sleeping peacefully. It was about 7:00 pm and Alex told me he needed to be at home around 8:00 pm. I think I should wake him up.

"Alex ....Alex, wake up" I shook him a little. He groaned and held me tightly around his chest. Ah god, why is this whole thing so hot? I pulled away a little and again called his name to which he moaned. I gasped. If this is how hot his moans are when he is sleepy, I wonder how much- Ah shut up Y/N!

"What babe?" He said in his deep sleepy voice. "It's seven Alex, you have to be at home around eight, don't you?" He sighed and cussed under his breath "I wanted to sleep more" and with that, he started to sit back slowly.
I got up too and admired him. How cute and hot at the same time he is. The way his biceps flex when he moves his arms, his Adam's apple and everything. I love this man so much.

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