𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 8

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Ishan felt there was something wrong with ashi. She was unusually silent. It was not a good sign.

Ashi really wanted to buy that piece of necklace but she knew she only had half of the money.

Ishan walked upto her and whispered in her ear.

"What's wrong? "

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong? " She completely avoided his gaze and looked away tucking her hair behind her ear.

"You don't look happy" He countered again making her huff out air.

"Well, ishan. Unlike you, some of us cannot pretend twenty four seven"her voice was barely audible over chitter chatter of many people around them.

He decided to leave her alone so let her settle down on her own. Giving her shoulder a small squeeze, ishan left her side and also took away the odd warmth with him.

" How does this look? "Seema put a huge gold necklace on ashi's neck forcefully and asked other women.

They all looked at ashi with heart eyes since she was looking breathtaking.

" I...don't wear necklaces like these"ashi timidly told them causing them to chuckle.

"Oh my dear.. " Seema sighed and kept the necklace away.

Done purchasing gold for the new bride and also giving the order for gold rings for the Invitees they left the showroom and directly started for house.

When rest of the house decided to have dinner in a five star hotel, ishan and ashi excused themselves and started for house in a separate car.

"My family warmed up to you so quickly" Ishan broke the silence causing ashi to smile at him.

She was grateful that she met so many wonderful people but was kind of sad that she has to end all of it one day.

"I love them all! Especially isha. She's like the best friend I never had. She's just like a sister to me and I love spending time with her. Or Maybe it is because we have so much in common....

And for the first time, ishan was fascinated to hear her talk. He didn't stop her. In fact, he listened to her speak so much about one person.

Eventually, they reached his house and enter the through the door together and ishan already notices a different car parked.

He thought it might be his father's business Accquintance and he brushed it off.

They teased each other as they open the door of the house and saw the house empty.

They climbed the step smiling and talking about random things when they hear voices coming from ishan's parent's' room.

They pause in their steps and their smile falter at the sounds of heavy breathing and moans coming out of his father's room. Ishan's mother was definitely not at home and his father was there in it, with some other woman.

Ishan's heart dropped and all he could do was take the hold of ashi's hand and walk them in their room. As quickly as possible.

He shuts the door of his room and ashi turns to him, furious.

"Was your father-

" Stop-"

She frowned.

"Don't let anyone know about this ,ashi. Don't" Ishan held his finger up silencing ashi who was now furious at ishan.

"We cannot let him do that! He is cheating on your mom behind her and you are letting him do that? " Ashi asked, with a slight raised voice.

"Ashi. No. You cannot let my mother know about this. " Ishan warned her again but she stood her ground with her brows pinched.

"Why? She deserves better, ishan! We cannot do that to-

" You're no one to talk about this. This is my family. This is our problem, ashi. Don't you ever forget that all of this is a part of our plan. I don't give a fuck about what you think. Don't act like you are really the oldest daughter in law of this family and don't interfere in my personal matters ever again! "

Ashi sucks in a audible breath and took a step back, wincing.


Ishan shut his eyes closed and took a deep breath, trying to recalibrate what he just said and did. Opening his eyes he sees tears already formed in ashi's eyes.

After all, she thought they were finally getting along.

Ishan took a step forward trying to touch her and she jerked away.

"Don't try to touch me right now, ishan"

She whispers as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Why did he always forget that it was him who needed her in the first place? No one ever talked to her like that in the past 25 years and hearing the raised tone of ishan, made her cry.

Ishan wished he could go back in time and make better choices because the look on her face gutted him. Absolutely makes a wreck of his insides to the point of physical pain. "ashi, I shouldn't-"

Ashi let out a bitter laugh and took a step back and cutts him off.

"The last thing I want to hear right now is how sorry you are. I can't believe I came here thinking you needed my help, only to end up being said that i cannot stand up for person I respect so much. What a joke. The only two people to blame here are you and your father. Him for being an absolute dick and you for following in his footsteps, lashing out at me instead of taking personal responsibility."

"So, ishan. Oh sorry! Mr. Mehra congratulations for whatever you just accomplished and i am hundred percent sure you don't give a flying fuck about what I think or feel right now because from now on, I am no longer a part of your plan. "

Ashi's words hit ishan like a truck in his gut. He started thinking of all the possibilities of what she would do. Would leaving him and going back to NewYork is one of them? He thought to himself.

"But no, after rishab's wedding I'll leave india. Because I'm not that selfish to break hearts of people I adore so much and ruin their happiness just for the sake of my fragile ego" She spits the words at him and stalked off in the direction of the bathroom.

Ashi leaned on the bathroom counter and let her tears fall on the tile.

Ishan slumped down on the couch in front of their massive bed regretting each and every word he said.

A few moments later, ashi came out of the bathroom in her pjs and wet hair. She noticed ishan sprawled on the bed with his eyes closed tightly. She was able to see him blinking.

She moved silently in the room and put her mattress on the floor in the giant bedroom.

Ishan heard the shuffle and opened his eyes to see ashi getting ready to sleep with her wet hair and her face bare of any makeup. She looked absolutely beautiful.

"Ashi, come up. I'll sleep down there" Ishan insisted but she ignored him like she didn't hear him or he didn't exist.

She crawled on the bed and laid back pulling the sheets upto her waist.

Sighing, ishan laid back too. Life was a mess and he didn't knew whether to or not tell his mother about his own father cheating on her.

They both drifted to sleep after a heavy day filled with tons of different emotions swirling inside them.

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