𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 39

423 21 6

"I don't need these kind of heels, isha" Isha tied the straps around my ankles, tying them tight around my foot and making me get up in 7 inch long heels that I absolutely don't need.

"You need to buy these! You look so sexy! " She got up from her squatting position to stand up straighter with a face full of pure admiration for me.

Sometimes I can't believe isha and ishan are siblings and yet how much they are different from each other. Isha is a complete extrovert and full of sunshine while ishan is the introvert of introverts, very closed off and barely smiles at anyone.

"Isn't it ,bhai? " She wiggles her eyebrows at ishan and my gaze snaps to him and i see how his eyes are fixed on my legs making me hot and flustered under his observation.

Ishan clears his throat and nods looking away.

I think I need to buy these.

"I will buy this" I sit down again, removing the new shoes I have on and remove them to wear my old ones.

"I will go and pay for it" Isha takes away the pair from me and beelines her way towards the reception immediately.

"You said you don't need to buy those kind of heels" I didn't realize ishan wad that close when I felt his breath on my ear.

I look at him and see the glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

"Yeah.. But I think now I need them" I shrug casually, waiting for him to reply to that.

"And you know what I need? "

"What? "

"I need you to spend my money on everything thing you want to buy. " He said it firmly, leaving no choice for explanation and I smile at him politely.

I am not in a financial crisis to use his money on things i want to buy. If I am using someone's money it will be for them and their purpose only.

"Thank you, ishan but I have enough money to buy whatever I want." I try to walk past him but my feet stop in tracks when I hear what comes out of his mouth next.

"Then I should go and find any other woman who would love to buy things using my money because you see, I have a lot and I desperately need someone to spend them. "

My head snaps in his direction and pure rage fills in me along with jealousy I don't know why I am feeling.

"Oh" I blink at him and nod my head refusing to give him the pleasure of what he wants me to feel.

"Then, Mr. Richie rich, please follow me and be ready with your card out. " I counter , turning my back to him when I see the victory shining in his eyes.

Next two hours I take him to all the expensive shops  and I buy bags, heels, waist coats, trench coats and rings and clips that are expensive as hell.

He follows me everywhere, holding all the bags, victory written all over his smug face. The more I buy, the more his face becomes smug.

And all I want to do is smack that smug face away or just kiss it.

"Are we done yet? " He asks while we walk towards the next shop.

"Oh is your wallet tired? " I give him my best doe eyes, making him look deeper in my eyes.

Shiver runs through my body because of that look. His pupils are dilated till the end making it look like just two black dots, making the brown just disappear.

I clear my throat, looking away and lead him towards the exit with bags hanging from both of his hands.

He looks extremely sexy, carrying those bags following behind me making all the women stare at him with their heart eyes. Like they are ready tk throw themselves at him.

I stop in my tracks when I see the staring increased and I get a catch of ishan's muscular bicep, closing my palm around it.

It is so huge that I squeeze it a little and I only feel hard under my skin.

He smirks at me and looks down at my hand and shifts the bags from his one hand now carrying all the bags in one while intwining his fingers with mine, holding me close to him.

"I love my life"

I hear him say under his breath and we sit in peaceful silence throughout the way back home.

Ishan even bought me a pair of gajras when he stopped on a traffic signal and put them on my hands by himself while  I just stare at him in awe.

"Ma has already ordered designer clothes for me but you haven't finished your shopping yet? " I initate the conversation, putting the silence to an end and making him glance at me briefly.

"I'll wear something. "

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I wanted to te him I want to twin with him wearing color coordinated clothes just like I have a mood board saved on my Pinterest with just pictures of couples wearing matching clothes and looking adorably cute.

After decreasing the brightness of my phone I open Pinterest to look at the mood board I created for rishabh's wedding and the outfits I kept as inspos.

A loud noise like a crash happens beside us and ishan kicks the break a little too hard making us fall to the front.

I pull back and look to the side to see a kid on the road fell down from a stroller because of the car that hit it.

I unbuckle my seat belt and throw my phone on the seat and hop out of the car and run towards the child to help her.

Her screams pierce through my heart when I see blood drawing out of her small head.

I pick the kid up as people gather around us.

Her screams increase but the parents are nowhere to be seen.

I bounce the kid in my arms to see ishan stalking towards us in his mighty glory and directly towards the car driver who looks guilty for what he did.

Ishan then presses his phone to his ear most probably making a call to the police and making sure he doesn't run away at the same time.

Minutes pass when the police arrives with a lady in their car that looks very very similar to the baby I am holding.

She flinches as ishan pins her with a glare and I immediately understand she has been through something.

In the next moment, ishan's gaze collides with mine and blood rushes to my cheeks when he starts walking towards me, leaving the guy with the police.

People disappear slowly leaving a few of them with us , who stand there watching the drama unfold.

Ishan comes closer and pulls me in surprising me with a kiss just above my eyebrow.

"Don't fucking run like that on the road" His words breathe on my skin in the exact same spot and I look at him and something shifts inside me.

No one has ever cared for me enough to tell me take care on the roads and I think that is the sweetest thing ishan has ever said to me.

"Can you go talk to her and ask why did she leave A kid on the road? "The voice of a police officer interrupts them.

" Yeah, sure." I start walking when the same officer stops me by putting his forearm in front of me.

"Leave the kid here with him"

A guard comes behind ishan and he looks at the baby like he's seen something alien and out of the world but it's disgusting.

I put her in front of him and he Unsurely takes the girl from me in his huge hands and cradles her to his chest.

My heart becomes goo in a puddle but I walk away in the moment.

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