𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 29

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"I'll be in here if you need anything, just ring the bell! " The manager states cheerfully and dissappears in the same room he came from.

Now it's just me and her.

Ashi places her handbag on the small table near the reception counter and goes over to the shelves where all kinds of things one can make out of clay are displayed.

I go after her, and watch the glint in her eyes as she brings her hands up to trace the delicate pattern on one of the pots.

I take one more step closer to her that her back is pressed to my front now.

I hear her gasp. That voice travels straight to my dick and I feel myself harden slightly behind her.

"You like it? " I rasp out , my lips directly above her ear and she turns around so quickly taking a step back that her head hits the top of the shelf.

But I place my hand on her head protecting her from hitting herself.

I take it as a chance to pull her into my chest and slip my hand around her waist to lift her up and take her away from the small space.

"Shit. I'm sorry" She says checking my knuckes for injury when I barely touched myself.

"Let's get into it already? Yeah? "

She nods aggressively and walks towards the wheels and plops down on the small chair behind it.

I follow closely, rolling up the sleeve of my shirt and I notice how ashi's gaze is stuck on my hands.

"What's that look on your face?" I ask sitting down opposite to her behind a different wheel.

She shakes her head off before replying "it's just.. Your forearms are really distracting"

My breath hitches in my throat at her open submission and compliment. It wasn't my first time receiving a compliment from a woman but the first time from her.

"Thank you.. " I feel my own cheeks heat as I look away.

What the actual fuck is happening to me?

I take one small handlful of clay and slap it on the center of the wheel and use the pedal under it to make it rotate.

I don't know shit about this but here I am dirtying my hands for her.

Ashi does the same and already pours water on it and applying pressure with the heel of her palms to give it a shape. I see she's already so good at it.

She let's it run in circle for a while and then uses both of her hands to bring the thick circle and lifting it up in the air to give it a shape of a saucer.

Ashi reaches for the sponge lying on the table using it to smoothen out the finger marks on it and it looks like a perfect saucer to me.

Using a string, she wraps it around her thumbs once and swipes it from the base in one swift motion and she already has her one item ready while I just sit there and watch her work gracefully.

"Why are you not making anything ?" She asks removing her hair using the back of her hand.

This is my chance.

"I don't know shit about how this works.. Maybe if you could come here and teach me? " I see the hesitation behind her eyes. I'm almost about to tell her that it's okay I'll figure it out but she gets up with a small nod.

I widen my legs for her creating space in between so that she can accomodate and she does.

My face directly beside hers with her back against my front. It's like we are piece of puzzles meant to fall together.

Being with her should be the last thing on my mind but i can't help but just be in awe of her beauty every time she's around.

"You need to use water first" She starts pedalling the wheel and leans forward and i follow the same.

She keeps on telling me how to use the palm and apply pressure but all i can focus on is the soft skin of her neck against my cheek.

Her scent hits me. She smells like a mixture of spice and lavender also a bit of wet mud.

She takes my hands closer to hers and uses my hand to make heart shaped plate.

Blood rushes to my groin and i think she can feel it too.

I turn my neck giving into the moment and let my nose touch her neck in the faintest touch and I hear her heart beating .

None of us are talking. The room is filled with heavy tension lingering between us and the ragged voice of wheel moving.

Our hands sticked together on the wheel our bodies so close that I can hear her heart throbbing in her ears.

I place a chaste kiss in the hollow of her neck making her whimper under me.

The skin of her neck gets bumpy by goosebumps breaking out making me smirk against it.

Ashi turns her neck sideways to look me in the eyes.

"What are you doing? " She whispers and i realize how close we are. Separated just by a few inches.

And i get a very strong urge to close the distance between us.

"Are you going to kiss me? " She asks again and i lean forward. Just a little bit that our noses brush against each other.

I see her closing her eyes and tilting her head and I just know if I kiss her there is nothing in this world that can keep me away from her.

I just know her taste will be the most addicting thing in this world for me. It is dangerous. For both of us.

"Do you want me to? "

She opens her eyes just a little bit to nod and the leash breaks loose. Her enthusiasm gets me and i crash my lips down on hers soft and plump ones.

Our lips mould together perfectly and i take in a sharp breath tightening my hold on her muddy hands.

"Fuck" I tear my mouth away from her and press my lips on the fluttering pulse feeling her exist beneath me.

I'm sure she's able to feel my hard on digging in her back.

"Ish.. Ishan" My name rolls off her tongue as she stutters and gasps again and again squirming against me.

I stay like that, inches away from her mouth so that she  doesn't think I'm just a asshole who wanted a kiss and I am turning her down when I got it.

Heavy silence laced with tension and awkward lingers between us.

The wheel has stopped rotating but out hands are still moulded together and the clay is starting to dry out on our skin.

"Let's make something so that he doesn't think we did some nasty things instead of making pots here" A small breathless chuckle slips past her mouth making my lips twitch.

I lean forward to press my foot on the pedal, starting it again but now she goes on teaching about to make pot while all I can think about her sweet mouth and my lips on her skin.

I'm fucked up.


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