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[ . . . ]


"Alright everyone, thank you for all the hardwork and let's keep it up. We only have fifteen minutes before closing up, so let's clean up."

The owner of the café said, it was already nine o' clock in the evening and we're almost closing up. I still have a lot of assignments and reviewing some notes to do once I get back at the dorms after my working shift.

I was just busy mopping the floor when the café bell suddenly rang and there was a customer entering.

That was our last customer for the day, I immediately rushed towards the counter to greet him and to take his order before closing up the café.

- "Good evening, what would you like to order?"

I asked politely, the customer then looked at the menu in front of the counter. He's quite tall, has very dark hair and has those fiery amber eyes. He glanced at me and smiled as he looked at me in the eyes that gave me a very strange feeling.

- "I'll take an Iced Caramel Latté Espresso."

He answered politely with a smile, it made my chest feel heavy as I can feel like my heart is melting with that smile. I was trying to keep my calm composure while I was preparing his order, I went to give him his order and he smiled. The customer then thanked me as he went to leave a tip, I watched him as the customer left the café.

I sighed, I immediately went back on cleaning up before we'll start closing up the café. Then after a while, we're closing up the café. I was bit relieved when my shift was done for the day, but I still have some things to do and I have classes tomorrow.

[ . . . ]


Lea was doing her assignments as she got home from her part-time job at the café, it was already ten-thirty in the evening and she only needed to finish one more assignment to complete her eight assignments.

Her fingers felt numb that she decided to stop and take a break for a while, Lea then leaned against her chair and took a glance at the balcony. Lea then thought for a moment and then she stood and went over the balcony, the dorms are actually villas that was considered as a high-privilege that she got by chance through her own scholarship.

The balcony was not the only high-privilege that she got from the premium scholarship, but that's not the case. The starry night sky looked very beautiful as Lea gazed upon it, Lea suddenly remembered her home.

Lea remembered that her grandmother usually tells her many stories along with her little brother every night time, her grandmother once told her that the stars resembles us. We'll get to choose what we wanted to be and the path that we'll take where it could take us to a place somewhere that makes us happy.

Suddenly, a beautiful falling star appeared from the starry night sky. Lea brought out her phone and didn't hesitate for a second and immediately took a photo of the falling star as it was passing by, Lea then thought of something. She slowly closed her eyes and clasped her hands as she took a deep breath, clearing her mind.

- ("I wished to be loved by somone who will make fond memories with me, someone that will understand me deeply and someone who'll hold me forever.
- ("Someone who'll make me feel at home.")

Lea said deep in her thoughts, she then opened her eyes and watched as the falling star continued to travel far with distance as it left a trail behind. Lea sighed as she went to head back inside because of the chill air, she went to continue her last assignment before heading to bed. It was already eleven in the evening when she got to bed, Lea couldn't explain how tired she was.

Before Lea could even sleep, she then thought of her home again. she misses how she would often stay right beside her grandmother as they were making desserts and chit-chatting on the back porch near their garden, she truly missed her home with her grandmother, her grandfather, and her younger brother.

Lea missed all of the times that they were all together, telling stories and sharing new things. She really felt like she wanted to go home without a thought, she'll definitely make time for them.

- ("If only I could have a chance to get home this summer, I'll spend time with them for the whole break.")

Lea thought to herself, her family made her keep going even if they are apart. She then thought about meeting someone who was destined for her, she then shrugged it off and just closed her eyes to sleep.

[ . . . ]


Lea woke up around 6:30am in the morning and went to get herself ready for her 8am morning class, she was able to head to class very early and immediately went to submit all her assignments.

As the day progresses, classes began. Lea was attentive on every discussion in classes that she attends which everyone was struggling to keep up with her routine, Lea is well-known as the outstanding student from the literature department due to her hardwork and her dedication to her studies.

After some time, Lea is going in for her last class for the day. She remembered that they'll have an assessment in the class today and she was prepared, she went to take seat at the right corner of the room and brought out her notes that she prepared as a reviewer.

After a while, there were a few students entering the room already. Lea decided to listen to some music with her earphones to avoid getting disturbed by anyone, a tall student then appeared in front of her and asked if he could sit right next to her.

Lea was a bit shocked because the voice was somehow familiar, she then went to take a glance of the strange person and she was surprised to find the same person as the customer last night and now the person right in front of her.

- "Oh, you look very familiar..."

The guy said, Lea was completely speechless to say anything that really made the atmosphere awkward for the both of them.

- "You're that girl who was working at the café, right?"

The guy asked, Lea couldn't help but nod slightly as a small response to him. The guy then smiled as he told her that it was quite a coincidence to find each other at a very strange timing and place, the guy then sat right next to Lea's seat and introduced himself.

- "I'm Kyler Allen Réyes, Business Major."

Kyler said politely, Lea was dumbfounded as she finds it very confusing for someone trying to communicate with her. Lea then decided to return the favor by also introducing herself to Kyler.

- "Lea Calliope, Literature Major."

Lea said nonchalantly, Kyler then smiled widely that surprised her. He then told her that he was pleased to meet her and that he hopes that they'll get along well.

"Somehow, today feels a bit strange..."

Lea thought as she glanced at Kyler for a second before she looked back at her notes, the atmosphere feels very warm somehow around them. She could only think if he was the person she was destined to meet.

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