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『#5: "You're still the one I choose to love in the next lifetime." 』


The night slowly falls as Samuel and Julie walked home together, the lamps around the streets caught Julie in a daze. Julie thought of her previous incarnations and how they all kept the same promise, she could only imagine how much waiting for a hundred years could make him bear all of it alone.

Julie could only keep herself close to him, leaning her head against his shoulder. Samuel caressed her hand gently and it felt soft for him, something that he likes about Julie is having smooth hands that suits on her outstanding painting skills.

There hasn't been an hour passed since they both arrived at Samuel's place, Julie finds herself again on the same living room that has very lovely books that could catch her eyes.

Samuel went inside the bedroom to tidy up for them to sleep, Julie thought of taking a warm bath before she sleeps in. Samuel waited as Julie took a bath in the bathroom, he then went to take a look around his house that made him feel unfamiliar with it.

Samuel looked at his brother's portrait and frowned, he admits that he misses his father and brother dearly as times passed on. Samuel could only move forward and do his part for them, he went back into his bedroom and finds Julie to be all dressed up and tidying herself.

Samuel smiled as their eyes met, Julie could only take her eyes away from the embarrassment but smiled as her cheeks turned red. Samuel then told her that he'll take a bath for a few minutes and she nodded.

[ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ❤︎ . . . ]


Julie stayed in the bedroom while she waits for Samuel from the bathroom, she just curled herself to bed as she began to reminisce memories from the moments they made for today and it was all beautiful.

Samuel went out the bathroom, showing his soaked muscular body while he dries off his hair with a towel. Julie was surprised that her thoughts processed for a few seconds, Samuel then wore a shirt to hide it and she was still embarrassed by the sight of it.

Samuel quietly came to bed and sat next to her, he then leaned his head on her shoulder. Julie gently touches his hand and Samuel felt comfortable, he then lifted his head up and gently kisses her head slowly.

- "Tell me, how is it like to live in our incarnations?"

She asked nonchalantly, Samuel could only turn away as he began to remember every memory from his every previous incarnation.

Samuel then explained that it felt lonely, isolated, and longing with his first incarnation, others are simple and had a normal life but the first one made an impact on him that changed his thoughts.

Samuel explained further that he sympathizes mostly with Rayver because of how he is a spiritual being who fell in love with a simple young maiden that sacrificed herself to be with him, every reincarnation made him feel extreme pain as it reminded him.

Julie could only lean her head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat, she could breathe freely as she listened to every beat his heart skips. Samuel wrapped his arms slowly around her, Julie then accepts him as she wraps her arms around him.

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