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After the day when they've first met, Kyler and Lea were often talking to each other when they'll attend the same class. They both started off with small talks until they both breaked the distance between them and went to have much longer conversations.

Lea found out that she and Kyler are different but they manage to blend in perfectly, she found out that Kyler was taking their class as extra because he wanted to try something else. They even exchanged contact details and manage to chat every night, Lea can't help but find Kyler to be very adorable at times.

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Lea was working a full-day shift at the café along with her best friend Allyza, everything was going smooth but a few people could notice a big change.

Mr. Kyo, the café owner, noticed a bit different on Lea and he knows that the others notice it as well. They began to get curious on why Lea was carrying such a lively atmosphere, break time came and Allyza went to cut to the chase already.

- "What's with the lively smile?"
- "Did you get yourself a boyfriend?"

She teasingly asked, the question surprised Lea that she almost choked on her drink. She could only stare at her with such confused eyes due to the question coming in right out of the blue, Mr. Kyo noticed the commotion and decided to tag along with his curiousity.

Mr. Kyo:
- "How come you didn't notice? You were smiling brightly earlier like the sun just blessed you."

He teasingly said to Lea, he was making himself a nice warm cup of coffee as everyone went to take a break altogether. She was quite getting embarrassed from all the teasing she gets from both Mr. Kyo and Allyza.

- "Mr. Kyo, please not you too!"

Lea said, both Mr. Kyo and Allyza looked at her with mischievious grin on their faces. Lea got flustered as she couldn't handle their teasing, she keeps on denying the fact that she had a boyfriend but they're not taking it.

- "I don't have a boyfriend, it's not my priority..."

Lea said to them, Mr. Kyo and Allyza didn't even listen to her one bit and just said to her that there some times when she'll suddenly change her mind. Lea just sighed in absolute defeat as she couldn't convince them.

That was until then, the café bell rang and Kyler went inside the café. He then saw Lea and waved at her that made Lea smile, Mr. Kyo and Allyza noticed and was in shock to find out the reason.

Mr. Kyo:
- "The atmosphere feels very lovely today~"

He said in a playful tone, loud enough for both Lea and Kyler to notice. Allyza was holding her laughter once she sees Lea getting flustered so she tagged along.

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