Chapter 1

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Jack was in the kitchen talking to Lou when he looked up and saw his Granddaughter running towards the Ranch House holding the side and front of her face.
"Lou, Amy's coming in fast and hot, something must be wrong."
Lou got up and opened the door just as Amy came barrelling through.
She was out of breath,
"Help Ty, Tim in barn."
Amy was then trying to get her breathe back.
Jack ran out towards the Barn as fast as his bad knee would allow.
Lou slowly walked over to her sister, then gently moved her hand out of the way.
"Oh God Amy, this is going to need stitches and probably a plastic surgeon to do it. Dam that bastard. Why can't he just leave you alone, your 17 for God's sake. Your Face is bleeding badly and so is your Nose, but it's weird, this fluid is partly clear but there's blood as well, what did he do to you Amy ".

Lou's phone rang so she gave Amy a cloth to hold over her face.
"Yes Grampa, okay right away."
Lou finished the call, then made a call.
"Emergency Services, which service do you require."
"Ambulance and the Police please, the person has been badly beaten up around the head, he's bleeding badly and unconscious. My Sister has also been attacked and bleeding and the fluid coming out of her nose is clear "
"Is the assailant still on the property. "
"He's trying to run away to his truck across the fields, his name is Tim Fleming."
Amy was out the door racing back to to the Barn, when she entered she fell down beside Ty who'd been beaten badly this time. Amy was holding his hand crying, forgetting that she had blood pouring down her face now she wasn't holding the cloth to it that Lou gave her.
"He'll be okay Amy."
"Why does he keep doing this to us, I'm fed up with it Grampa, I know your like him, not violent of course, but with his attacks as well, your like a wrestling tag team, I'd rather just run away with Ty and dissappear."
"Now don't you be getting any silly thoughts Amy, your safer here."
"Really, in which world is that Grampa. My life here since mum died is like a living hell, and Ty is going to leave me before long, how many more beatings can he take."
Amy heard the sirens and walked out of the Barn.
Both were taken to hospital and Amy had her face stitched by the plastic Surgeon, Ty was kept in due to the swelling in his head.

Tim was arrested not far from Hudson and taken back to the station. They checked his hands and knuckles, all clean, no blood. No scratches, no blood on his clothes. It was Amy's word against Tim's, and he had an alibi, curtesy of his friends .
Jack brought Amy home after she was discharged, he didn't bother to let her see Ty although he was asleep anyway. Lou and Lisa had cooked dinner just as they got back.
"How's Ty Amy, is he going to be okay."
"I have no Idea Lou because this person whose supposed to be my Grandfather and has me under his control wouldn't let me see him."
"What the hell Grampa, why not let her see Ty, they are a couple you know."
"Doesn't matter, she's to young for boyfriends and they spend to much time together anyway she's got work to do."
"Jack for God's sake , she's been attacked, has a big gash on her face, and she's starting to look a little blue around the eyes, like bruises. She needs to rest , Amy go to your room and get in bed, have an early night. I'll sort the Horse's out. "
"Thank you Lisa. Thank you."

To be continued

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