Chapter 29

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The Police arrived and so did Soraya, Lou and Lisa. The Police asked them to wait while they checked it was safe then they went inside, after ten minutes they came out .
"I'm sorry but there's no one in there."
"No, she's in there, Amy said she was hiding  in the bedroom. "
All three ran into Amy's apartment  and went straight into the bedroom.
Lou spoke first, "Where could she hide in this bedroom."
Soraya looked around and thought back to when she was shown around by Amy. She looked under the bed and found it solid. Then she remembered just as the police Officer walked in.
"She's in the base of the bed."
Soraya lifted the mattress at the bottom and the Officer took over as Soraya pushed down on the Bed Base.
It clicked and rose up for storage.
They all looked inside and saw a very pale Amy and blood everywhere over her clothes, then the Officer saw the Tourniquet and blood still spurting slowly,  he knew the bullet had hit her main Artery, she'd been shot in the shoulder too..
The EMT's had arrived and the Officer called them up. The women were asked to wait outside while the Paramedics worked to stabilise Amy.
"Did miss Fleming say anything while 
On the phone to anyone."
"Yes, she said the voice was Female."
" Okay then, we can narrow down the search."

Soraya found Amy's phone not far from where she was laying and found Ty's phone number.
Ty was just pulling up to his second client that morning, he'd hopefully be back tonight. His other Jobs went perfectly and quickly so he was well ahead.
He was halfway through this service Job on a Triumph Motorbike, he loved Motorbike's and it reminded him of his Norton Commando 961. Ty was in his own little world thinking about his Bike when his Phone rang.
" Hi Amy, I'm well ahead and should be home tonight."
"Sorry Ty this is Soraya, the person who attacked Amy has tried to kill her again, get back as soon as you can, Ty, she was Shot twice and the one in her thigh hit her Femoral Artery."
"Thanks for calling me Soraya, I'll be finished in an hour and a couple of hours driving  home. Keep me updated on her condition please Soraya. Is she okay at the moment."
"She's in surgery, the Paramedics used some Military stuff and injected it into the wound to seal the Artery, when we hear more we will phone you okay."
"Thanks Soraya,  see ya soon."

Ty worked as fast as he could and finished in less than an hour, now he was driving back to Hudson.
The Police had started interviewing some of the names on the list again, this time they collected them soon after Amy's attack. After a couple of hours they all had proof of where they were, it was no one on the list.

Amy had come out of surgery and was now in her room. She was still on Blood infusion as she'd lost so much they were not sure whether she'd pull through.
Soraya and Lisa had both gone back to work and asked Lou to phone Ty as soon as Amy came out of Surgery...
Lou phoned him and told him how
she was but she was still unconscious due to the lack of blood and very low blood pressure.
Ty knew Amy was in the best place, Lou had gone home as well now.
On his way home Ty called into  Maggie's for a drink  and something to eat.
A little later and Ty was finishing his food when someone approached his table and sat down across from him.
Ty looked up and was shocked as he stared into the face of Blair Connor.


To be continued in Part Two.

I will continue part two as soon as I get some health problems sorted.
Having Surgery very soon to have my foot reconstructed due to Psoratic Arthritis,  my immune system has attacked my Joints and Tendons to the point where bones have Dislocated and Fractures formed.
Also have some tests coming up after a negative result on a yearly test.
Take care.

Amy & Ty's FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon