Chapter 26

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After a few minutes Lisa returned and sat with Amy while Ty went off to get some Jobs done. Lisa offered Amy a place to live with or without Ty, her decision.
"Are you sure Lisa, I mean with Grampa an all."
"He has no say in it, Fairfield is mine,
Now, the place won't be finished for another 3 Months.
It has a 12 stable Barn and built on the side is a 3 bedroom one Floor Ranch House."
"You must of been building it for a reason Lisa."
"Yes, I was building it for my new manager and his family, but he decided not to take the Job in the end as his wife was taken ill and the news wasn't good."
"Won't you still need a manager Lisa."
"Well that's the Job I'm offering you Amy, give you some time to spend bonding with your baby, and you know horses more than anyone."
"I don't know what to say Lisa, but YES, I will take the Job. Actually I've been doing a lot of thinking , I really want to get back into Show Jumping and I would love to ride some of your horses for you sometimes. Show people what sort of horses you can breed and train. As well as managing your Ranch too of course, when this little one is born of obviously."
"Oh Amy, I would be forever in your debt , and I'd love to see the look on Val Stanton's face."
They both laughed and both shook hands on their new arrangement.

2 Days Later

2 Days later Amy was Discharged from Hospital, Ty collected her and took her back to her Apartment, he went out and got Some Take out Chinese and they spent the night curled up in bed.
The following day Amy took a walk into Hudson Town Centre, Ty had left early as he had a couple of jobs out of Town, so she decided to get breakfast at Maggie's.
She walked in and took a seat near the window but away from the screens. Soraya came over and took her order, even told her that they now had Decaffeinated Coffee.
Amy smiled and said yes please.
After a few minutes Soraya turned up with their Coffees.
"You timed it Just right Amy, it's my Coffee break. "
Amy was telling Soraya all about the Job Offer from Lisa, including somewhere to live.
Soraya could see how happy and excited Amy was about this new start in her life. Then she looked past Amy, out of the window and saw Tim walking towards the Diner.
"Amy, your Dad's walking this way."
"What the hell."
Tim walked in but didn't see Amy as Soraya had called some friends over from another table to fill there's up and hide Amy.
However they were talking quietly and listening to see why he was let out of jail. One of Tim's friends came in and sat next to Tim at the Counter.
"How's things going Tim, heard you'd been arrested on suspicion of attacking your Amy."
" Well it wasn't me, and there's no proof, I wouldn't do what they did anyway. I ain't that stupid."
"Well someone's got it in for her that's for sure."
"I may dislike her, and I didn't want her anyway, I told Marion that another baby didn't fit in with my plans to buy an RV and Trailer and travel to all the Rodeo's, she told me to go to hell anyway because she wasn't leaving Heartland, that sodding Ranch always came between us, then a baby I didn't want."
" Best thing you can do Tim is leave this place, and the family, go to California, you said you loved it down there."
"True, I made tons of money, I think your right. May see ya down there, take care."


To be continued

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