Chapter 15

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  The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
  When I had woken up, Castiel wasn't there anymore. I was laying on my stomach cuddling my pillow. I had jumped out of bed, seeing what time it was. It was quarter til 10 am. I had run in the bathroom to take a shower real fast. Once I had gotten out I got dressed and ran down the stairs to meet up with Harley and Emily. They were just walking up the steps when I had opened the door. I smiled at them and ran into their arms. We all hugged for about 5 minutes until Castiel was pulling up in a SUV when we finally let go. Then my father and brothers came walking out the door. I turned to look at them. The twins looked like they were about to cry. I ran to them and they hugged me.
  The twins were the 2nd to come my other best friends, they done everything I wanted to do. We yall were like 3 peas in a pod. When I wanted something sweet when I was a kid, they got it. When I was on my monthly period, they had got what I craved. When I had twisted my ankle when I was 7 for jumping off the swing set at the playground, they had run me home as fast as they could to the doctor before father had heard what had happen. Max had covered for me when I had snuck out for a run a few years back. Max had told everyone I had went to bed early because I was sick.
  Jax where to start with this butthead of a brother, he is just like Max. He had done the same as Max, but maybe a little more. Father was out of town and I had gotten into a fight with s girl at school and I remember Jax had took up for me, being on my side when father had come home early to punish me. Jax and Max had taken all of the punishments that I should have taken but no.
  After hugging them; I looked at Parker, the oldest child of us 4 kids. I don't even know where to begin with him. The very first time I had got my period he had freaked the fuck out. On my hand I was freaking out too, but he was a lot worse than me. He thought I was dying. When the took me to the doctor and said I was dying down from my vagina, the doctor started laughing a little bit. Parker didn't think it was too funny but it kinda was.
  And then there the old man of time; my father. The man of the hour that loved his children. The alpha of this pack until he passes it down to one of my brothers. My father, what's to say about him, he always protected his family ever since he was a kid and now he has his own kids and a whole pack. There was no one getting out of hand. Looking at him I could see he was really hurt that I was leaving. He feels like he's losing his little girl, like he loses his mate; my mother.
  After I had hugged every single one of them, I had turned around to look at Castiel walking over to us.
  "Morning everyone." He said.
  "Morning, hon." I told him, as I kissed him.
  "Are you all packed and ready to go?" he asked me.
  "Yes, I am. All my bags are by my bedroom door ready to bring down." I told him.
  "Okay, I'll go get them. Better go eat something real fast. Not gonna stop on the road unless we have to." He told me.
  I nodded and walked into the kitchen with Emily and Harley behind me. I had gone to the fridge to get all the lunchmeat and cheese and then the cabinet to get the bread. I had like 10 sandwiches and like 4 extra one to eat right now. Two for me and two for him. I had gone into the pantry to get some snacks and some chips. I took a couple bags of chip for the road and half of 3 snack boxes. I had found my old lunch bag that I use to take to school when I was under and put the sandwiches in there, and a plastic bag to put the bags of chips and snacks in.
  When I had everything, all packed I had grabbed the extra sandwiches, lunch bag and plastic bag out to the car as Castiel and my brother were carrying my suitcases and duffle bags down the stairs. We call head out the door to the car. As they were putting everything in the back I was about to get in the front. Until Emily had ran out the door with a plastic bag of something.
  "Liv, don't forget drinks." She yelled.
  "I did forget the drinks, thanks Em." I thanked her as she handed me the bag.
  It was an excuse to hug me one last time; which I had hugged her when she gave me the bag of drinks. I had let go of her when Castiel had closed the trunk and came over to us. He had put his arm around my waist before he had spoken.
  "Ready to go my love?" he asked.
  "Yea, I think I am." I said as I went to get in the car, until someone had yelled out to me.
  "Wait!" someone yelled.
  I had turned around and it was Sam that had said wait. I was wondering if I was gonna see him or not. When he got to me Claire was walking next to my father and Kevin, Charlie and Sheldon were coming out of the house.
  "You can not leave without telling me goodbye and a hug." Sam had said. I had gone up to him and gave him a big hug until he had said what he said, kinda wish he didn't since Castiel was right next to us. "We had been raised together since birth. And yes, we may have dated for a while but your still my friend not just my ex." He said.
  I heard a growl from behind me then the next that same person growling pulled me away from Sam and stepping in front of me to stand in between us. Castiel was starting to shake in front of me from being angry.
  Charlie, Kevin, and Sheldon went to step forward, but my father had put his hand up to stop them. I could hear Charlie mumbling to my father, but I couldn't point it out because I was more worried about what was going on in front of me.
  "Oliver, stop this, he's gonna hurt Sam; my son." Charlie pleading with my father.
  "You sure in the hell no I can't stop another alpha from doing anything when it comes about their mate." My father told him.
  Castiel had turned around, put me into the car and closed my door. He had walked around the car to his side to get in the car until Sam said something that pissed him off.
  "I'll always love you Liv, no matter what." Sam had told me.
  That's when Castiel had had it, he jumped over the car and knocking over Sam and pouching Sam in the face over and over. I just looked at them all shocked like I couldn't believe what just happened. Then I saw Kevin and Charlie running over to where they were trying to pull Castiel off of him. Then I had got out of the car and ran to them and helped Kevin get Castiel off of Sam. Soon as I got him off Charlie had got Sam and pulling him out of sight.
  Castiel had pulled from Kevin's grip still shaking and growling until I had put my hands on his face. I looked into his eyes, watched how they went from black to golden again. His shaking was slowing to a stop and finally looked at his hands. They were bloody from pouching Sam over and over.
  I had kissed Castiel on the lips and spoke. "Let's go love." I told him.
  He nodded and we walked over to the car. Castiel got on his side of the car and got in. I stopped took one look at everyone before getting in. Claire was crying from what had happened to her son. Charlie and Sheldon were gone. Then I looked at my father's face. It was blank, like he knew that was gonna happened.
  I finally getting in the car, shutting the door, and waved at everyone.
  This was the last moment of my life to being here for a while, as I was going down the drive, looking in the side mirror as the house was getting small. Once we had hit the main road, it was the new start of a new life. Leaving behind my old life.
  4 hours into our driving, I was starting to get hungry. I unbuckled my seat belt and lean to the back seat to get the lunch bag and a drink. Once I came back to the front. Castiel with his burse hands are hard on the steering wheel never shot me a look until I cracked open my drink. I figured he wanted something to drink too so I gave him a drink of my mountain dew.
  When he was done taking a drink, I had gotten a sandwich out and took a bite. When I took a bite of it I had put it in front of his face so he could take a bite as well. He didn't at first he looked at me and I just kept staring at him with the sandwich still in front of his mouth. He sighed and took a bite. I smiled at him still chewing my bite that I had.
  After I had ate half of my sandwich I gave the rest to him. He had refused at first but took it. He ate the rest in 3 bites, guessing he was really hungry.
  "Still hungry?" I asked him.
  "Kinda." He said as he looked at me.
  I got another sandwich and handed it to him. "Here you go." I said.
  He took it out of my hand and started eating it. "Thanks."

The Alpha Female Princess Book 1Where stories live. Discover now