Chapter 25

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  After what April told me and Castiel, was shocking news. She told no one else about me being pregnant. Not even when I was out for a few hours. When she done the X-ray or the ultrasound, no one was in the room with me. I was kinda glad, 'cause I didn't know how to tell the others just yet.
  After 3 hours of me waking up, Castiel had carried me to the Alpha house, up to our room, so I can be more comfortable while I was resting/healing.
  After a day of finding out, I was pregnant, Castiel had changed my eating habitats, putting me on a special diet, since I was eating for two now.
  Wow. I couldn't believe those words, April had told us. It's like, I don't know how to explain it right. But I was relived. I've always wanted a little one of myself. But this changes every thing due with school. I can't do cheerleading anymore. And what am I gonna tell Emily.
  Oh god, Emily. She's my best friend. My sister. I tell her every single thing. What am I gonna tell her I can't go to school with her. Expressly cheerleading. It was our thing.
  About a week later, all healed up, I had walked over, across the hall, to one of the spare rooms on our floor, it was Castiel's baby room. He showed me it once. When I first got here. It was adorable, but its gonna need some changes though.
  As through out the next two weeks, Castiel has been very helpful with me about everything. By keeping it quiet, on the down low, around the others about me being pregnant. He almost spilled the beans to Robert, about being around me 24/7. By watching me closely and making sure nothing happens to me. He even added another guard on me, while Robert wasn't around or to give him breaks.
  Then when I was 8 weeks fully, April came and saw me, to check up on me. Not just for the baby, but to see how I was after what had happened 2 weeks ago. Yes I was healed, but also being pregnant during what had happened, could have put me into a lot of stressed and make me have a miscarriage. And since this was my 1st time being pregnant, that can happen to me any time during my 1st trimester.
  April was really helpful with it all. She went out of her own way to go buy me all the things I needed for the baby. To stay all healthy. She even bought me baby books, which I kept in my room.
  After being stuck in my room for two weeks, was getting really tiring, so I got out of bed and went downstairs. I was hungry and I was craving something good. I went through the cabinets and fridge to find me something I wanted.
  I made me 4 peanut butter and apple jelly sandwiches with pickles on the side. Yea, I know weird huh. I don't even eat pickles but the baby wanted it.
  I sat on the stool, at the island, eating when Castiel, Dean and Samuel came in there.
  They all looked at me like I was crazy and it was kinda funny. Expressly Castiel's face.
  "Damn woman can eat." Dean had said.
  I looked at him and kinda smile. "Hey now. I'm," I started to say. "I'm hungry leave me alone." I said.
  I almost told him our secret. But I was gonna show soon, and everyone is gonna notice my eating habitats. I had to tell him. I looked at Cas then back to Dean and Samuel. I got up from the stool with a pickle in my hand.
  "Dean, I no we have to tell you something." I said pointing between me and Castiel.
  "What's wrong? Its not about me and Emily is it?" He asked.
  "No, its not about you and Emily." I had said and speaking of the devil herself. She walks in from outside.
  "What about me. What did I do?" She asked walking over to Dean giving him a kiss.
  "Nothing." I had said.
  Everyone was all in the room now. Robert had walked in with Jamie and Emily. My other guard, Leon and Robert was switching. Only people that was missing was Harley, Parker, the twin's, and my father. So here goes nothing.
  "What I was saying, Castiel and I have some news. Not just any news. Some big news." I started to say. I took a deep breathe and spoke again. "Castiel and I are pregnant."
  Everyone was just standing there all shocked like me and Castiel first was. Then Emily walked up to me and grabbed my hand that wasn't holding the pickle.
  "For real, are you serious?" She asked me.
  I nodded. "Yes, I'm two months." I told her.
  "When did you find out?" She asked me.
  "The day I had passed out from the battle with the rogues. April had told me and Castiel after you and Jamie walked out." I told her.
  Emily started to cry, which was making me cry. Stupid hormones.
  "I'm gonna be an aunt." She said all excited. She screamed, jumped up and down clapping her hands. "Oh my god! I'm gonna be an aunt." She said again as she hugged me.
  As she hugged me, Dean and Samuel looked at Castiel. "Bro, we're gonna be uncles." Dean and Samuel had said together.
  "Yes, you two are going to be uncles." Castiel told them.
  Both Dean and Samuel hugged Castiel then me. With the others following behind. Everyone was all excited for me and Cas. I was still crying as they were hugging me.
  "Damn, that means I have to watch what I say to you now or you'll bite my head off." Dean said to me.
  We all laughed at him. "I won't bite your head off." I told him laughing and crying at the same time.
  "Stop crying, you should be happy." Samuel told me.
  "I am happy. Its just these stupid hormones."
  "Dude, she snapped at me a few days ago so don't feel bad." Castiel said. "She cried after she notice what she did."
  Everyone laughed at what Castiel had said about me snapping on him. Which I did feel bad about doing it too. I don't even remember what or why I was snapping on him for.
  Later that day, I had called my father and told him the great news. As everyone else, was shocked but excited. He told me he wishes my mother was still around to help me through this pregnancy. The twins was excited. Both telling me they hope I have twins as well so they can have each one of my babies and spoil he or she like crazy. I laughed at them. Told them, eh no thanks. But y'all can still spoil he or she if I just have one baby. Parker on the other hand was eh. He was happy but he was more worried then anything. Saying I was putting myself in more danger then I already was.
  And when he meant by that was, I am the only alpha female in the world and every alpha is gonna want me and me being pregnant it putting me out there.
  I got a little butt hurt about it. And cussed him out. My father got onto him about it. Told him, that's not right to say to your little sister. Expressly while she's pregnant. She's very emotional right now.
  After that phone call, I haven't really talked to my family. I mean the twin's called to check on their niece or nephew that was about it.
  Castiel finally told everyone on the land about the great news, about a few weeks later after telling the closest people to us. And only reason he done that was 'cause, I was starting to show. I was going on 14 and a half weeks pregnant. And if I'm going to be start showing and walking around outside, our people will need to know about their Luna.
  Emily and I had gone into town, with Jamie, Robert, and Leon, to get some baby clothes for me to wear. My skinny jeans wasn't fitting me anymore nor was my large t-shirts. They were looking like belly shirts on me. And don't get me wrong I love belly shirts but Castiel doesn't like me wearing clothes that shows off my skin hardly.
  We had found a lot of cute clothes for me to wear and still look hot in them. That was one thing I still cared about. Was looking hot.
  I cashed out, paying about $60 worth.
  As we were walking out the store, I started to feel weird. Like my insides were breaking. It felt like I was shifting for the first time all over again. I started to feel dizzy and all hot. I almost tripped going to the SUV. Leon had caught me.
  "Luna, your all hot? Are you okay?" He had asked.
  "No, something's wrong." I said as I bent down to the ground.
  As I bent down my arm starts doing weird things. Like I was breaking it. Emily was the one to notice what was going on.
  "She's in middle was shifting. We have to get her home to April." Emily told them as Leon and Robert helping me into the SUV.
  Jamie jumped into the driver side and we took off. Leon and Robert were trying to calm me down but with the hormones and the pain I was feeling, wasn't helping.
  As soon as we got home, Leon had helped me out of the car. Castiel was already on the porch as I came into view. I had fell to the ground once again shifting. April was running from her office, as soon as we pulled up. She got to me, putting her hand on my back, trying to smooth me.
  "What's going on April?" Castiel asked her.
  "Her wolf side is wanting to take over. To protect the baby." April had said.
  "What do you mean?" Emily had asked.
  I couldn't ask anyone anything. I was in pain.
  "Most mothers go through it. At least wolf mothers. She's the 1st I've seen do this since your mother." April told Cas. "Her body is rejecting the baby. But her wolf side is trying to hold it together to help keep the baby."
  "What do you mean? She's in the middle of having a miscarriage." Emily had asked.
  "Yes and no. Its really hard to explain." April had told them.
  I don't wanna lose my baby. My baby is my world. I screamed as my legs started turning into my wolf legs. This was more painful then the 1st time ever.
  The 1st time I just shifted. Nothing breaking or anything. I couldn't take it anymore, but I had to to keep my baby. I want my baby to live in me. So when I have my baby I can hold him or her.
  "We have to get her to shift into her wolf form but we have to get her to calm her body down. If we don't she'll go into stress and loose the baby." April told us. "Olivia, look me in the eyes. Take deep breaths for me. Calm your mind, relax your body. Let your wolf do what it has to do." April told me.
  I looked at April and shook my head. I had done what she told me to do. I relaxed my mind and body. Letting my wolf take over.
  "Robert, I know you don't want to leave her, but please, go get me some sheets and towels for me. While she's changing I'm gonna make her a little bedding on the porch." I heard April tell Robert.
  "Why a bedding on the porch?" Jamie had asked.
  "To make her feel okay, while outside. In her wolf form at least. That's what wolfs do, when they are pregnant they try to make a soft bedding for them to lay on until they give birth. But since she's part human, she goes longer then wolfs do." April explained.
  I looked at Castiel for a moment and let my mind go. I finally turned into my wolf form and laid there in that form for a little bit. I wasn't in pain anymore. That was a good sign. Means I'm going to keep my baby. I turned my head to my stomach and licked it. Kissing my baby, letting him or her know mommy loves you.
  I was laying there licking myself, probably grossing the others out. When I felt someone lick me. I turned my head and saw a black wolf. It was Castiel.
  "Love, come to the porch with me." Cas had told me.
  He helped me up, by putting his head, under my shoulder to get me up. He walked me over to the porch, where April was at laying blankets and towels.
  "I know you can't talk back to me. Well you can through pack link, but I know your overwhelming yourself. But you will be okay. Just lay here for a few hours and relax. Sleep if you can." She told me. I nodded my big head at her. "I'll come check on you and help you shift back to human. Just right now, lay here and be with your baby."
  I laid down on the bedding, April had made me, put my head by my belly as Castiel had laid next to me, putting his head on shoulder. Everyone had left us alone and went on to what they do best.
  I laid there picturing a little baby boy in my arms, looking just like its father. Only a boy though since I was an female alpha, there's only suppose to be one alive at a time. That's how I heard it.
  My mother wasn't born from an alpha, she was married to an alpha. And when she was pregnant with me, me automatic being an alpha female, she had to die. But is that really the truth though. I mean you don't see other male Alpha's having females. My father was just lucky to have one. And when an alpha has an alpha daughter, the male Alpha's try and get with her, even if they have a mate. Which would be rape in a way.

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