Chapter 16

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  That was the first thing we had said since we left the house after he had beat up Sam. I mean Sam had it coming. Coming on to another alpha's mate. I mean he was still my friend but the love I had with him was long gone though.
  As I went to lean back in the seat, we had turned off the highway on to a dirt road. I didn't ask where we were going I just let him drive. I was kinda wishing we were already there I was starting to get tired of sitting in this car. I hated long road trips.
  I turned to the side to get more comfortable in the seat and lean my head on the window, to take a small nap. As I closed my eyes, I was listening to the engine purr. It was helping me fall asleep.
  I didn't know how long I was out until he had put his hand on my cheek. It woke me up. I sat up started looking around, it was starting to get dark. And we weren't on a dirt road anymore, we were on a black top road. Then he turned into a gravel road with a sign above the road saying welcome. On both side of the gravel road were nothing but trees for like a few minutes until we finally came to a huge mansion like house. There was another huge house beside it but not as big. And smaller houses around both the big houses.
  We drove all the way to the huge house and parked the car in front. He looked at me and smiled. As he opened his door, Samuel and Dean came running out the front door of the huge house.
  "Hey boys, how is everything." He asked them as he walked over to my side.
  "We'll talk about this later when you get everything settled in." Samuel said.
  He nodded at him as he opened the door. "Welcome home, love." He told me.
  "This is your house?" I asked.
  "Our house." He told me. "This is where you, me, Samuel, and Dean live. Well mostly you and me. But they stay here more than they own place." He said as he opened the trunk. "Can yall get her bags and show Liv her room."
  "Wait we're not staying together?" I asked as I got one of my bags.
  "For right now, no. Not until we become more than what we are." He told me.
  As they got my bags, we had gone into the house. As we walked inside, it was huge inside. The living room had a huge flat screen tv with surround sound, a few couches, and a huge bookshelf, with books and movies. Samuel had gone to the stairs that was close to the kitchen, where I saw a lady cooking. Whatever it was it smelled good.
  We went up 3 flights of stairs until Samuel had stopped at a door and opened it. he let me go in first since it was my room. I walked in and was like 'Oh my god', the room was huge with wall like windows two of the window like doors were open to a balcony, to the left wall was a California King size bed with the bed frame hanging above the bed with ribbon all over the frame and fish netting over the bed, to the right wall I saw two doors, one went to a huge bathroom; a shower and a hot tub size tub and a huge mirror like wall was above the sink.
  The boys had dropped my suitcases and duffle bag on the floor. As they done that one of the suitcases had popped open and I hurried up and closed it. Castiel growled when that happened, and the boys had walked out fast. It was my under garments; bra's, underwear, and socks.
  "Should have told me that was your under garments, I would have carried it." Castiel hissed a little bit.
  "Sorry, I didn't know which one they had picked up." I told him as I had opened the door by the bathroom, it was a walk-in closet.
  He nodded. "Dinner is being made; I'll have your guard that I have assigned for you to get you when its done. I'm going to the office to check up on paperwork since I was gone for a week." He told me.
  "Okay." I said as I started opening all my bags.
  He walked over to me at first but then stopped. Like he was gonna do something but wasn't gonna do it whatever he was gonna do. He turned around, head towards the door, walked out and closed it.
  I signed, I'm never gonna get him sometimes.
  Men, I thought.
  I took my bathroom bag, went into the bathroom, put all my hair things in the drawers, my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in the walk-in shower. My hair blower, straightener on the hooks on the back of the door. Then went back in the bedroom to put my clothes up. I had put my under garments and some of my clothes in the dresser that was between the bathroom and closet door. What I had left of my clothes I had put in the closet on hangers, put some of my make-up on my dresser and the rest in the bathroom.
  What I had left of my things I had put wherever I wanted to put I didn't ever really care. I was tired and wanted to take a nap actually. When I was done I put my bags in the closet and laid on the bed.
  I was about to fall asleep when someone had knocked on my door. I got up and went to the door and opened it. When I had opened the door, it was some man standing there. He was older than the others or at least I thought.
  "Yea," I asked sleepish.
  "Dinner is done, Luna."
  "Thanks, but that's not my name." I told him.
  "I know but that's what everyone calls the alpha's mate." He told me, as I walked out the room, closing the door behind me.
  "Oh, I didn't know that. But you can call me Olivia or Liv for short." I told him.
  "You can call me Robert, Bobby, or Rob for short. I don't care." Bobby told me.
  "Well nice to meet you. Do you live here in this huge house?" I had asked.
  "No, ma'am I live in one of the smaller houses here with my wife and kid." He told me.
  "Oh, that's nice. I'm sorry that Castiel is having you watch over me." I told him as we reached the first floor.
  "It's fine, gives me something to do when I'm not home being bored." He said then laughed.
  I joined him. As we walked in the kitchen, the same lady I saw when I came in, was putting food on a plate. When she saw me, she had stopped doing what she was doing and bowed her head down to me. When she brought her head back up to me, I could really get a good look of her. She was very pretty, dark tan skin, the longest coal black hair ever, and greenish brown eyes. She put the plate she was putting food on the table and spoke to me in some kind of language that I wasn't aware of or didn't speak it kinda.
  "Aquí tienes, Luna. Espero que lo disfrutes." (Here you go, Luna. Hope you enjoy.) She had said.
  I looked at Bobby for a second. And he knew exactly what I was thinking. "Rosa speaks Spanish so it's kinda hard to understand her. But here I got you, I took some classes in college." He told me.
  "Just tell her thank you for me." I told him.
  "Rosa, Luna dice gracias." (Rosa, Luna says thank you.) Bobby told Rosa.
  "Luna de nada" (Luna your welcome.) Rosa said to me then walked out the room.
  I looked at Bobby after Rosa had walked out the room. "Are you gonna eat?" I asked him.
  "No ma'am. I ate awhile ago." He told me. "She only makes food for people who lives in this house and the pack house. But sometimes whoever is here and there enough the alpha lets us eat the food." He told me as I was taking my first bite.
  "Speaking of alpha, where is my mate." I asked in an alpha like tone, demanding to know.
  "The alpha is in his room, working on paperwork. He was asked not to be disturbed."
  "Excuse me." My tone got higher than normal. "Where is his study room?" I asked.
  "On the 2nd floor the 3rd door on the left." He told me.
  I got up from the table and went to the 2nd floor to Castiel's study room. When I got there it was quiet, so I had opened the door, seeing Castiel, Samuel, Dean, and a few others looking right at me when I had opened the door. Bobby was right behind me when I came walking in.
  "Liv," Castiel said.
  "Dinner it done, Castiel. Come eat now." I told him using my alpha tone with him to see if it would work with him as it did back home when I wanted my way.
  "I'm busy right now. I'll eat later." He told me.
  "No, you eat now. This can be worked on later. Or they," I said as I pointed to the others. "can work on it without you." I told him. "I would like for my mate to eat with me tonight as my first night here." I said as I crossed my arms.
  Castiel had sign for a moment because he knew I was right. He looked at the others before getting up. "Sam, Dean, Xena, Charlotte, give me about 10 minutes and I will be right back. I am going to have dinner with my love." He told them.
  "Yes, alpha." They said as they bowed their heads at him. "Luna." They done the same to me.
  Castiel got up and walked over to me. We walked out the room, Bobby closed the door and we all went down to the kitchen to eat. When we got in there, I sat back down where I was and Castiel had got him a plate of food. He sat across from me. Bobby was sitting in the front room watching tv while we ate.
  It was quiet at first until Castiel had spoken. "I'm sorry that I didn't come down to eat with you I was trying to catch up on work for the pack." He told me. I was about to say something when he spoken again. "And don't you ever us that tone with me again in front of my back-ups."
  I kinda snapped. "Excuse me, if I am to help you run this pack with you I am allowed to use whatever tone I use. You may be my mate but you're not my father or my boss. We both run this pack together, as alphas. I know what I am doing." I told him, I got up from my chair and grabbed my plate. "You know what, go back to them and finish your work. I'll go eat by myself in my room." I said as I went to walk out the kitchen.
  Castiel just looked at me didn't say a word at me as I walked out the room. I head up the stairs to my room and ate on my bed.
  I ate my dinner in my room by myself. After I was done I had put my plate on my nightstand and laid on my back. I didn't hear from Castiel for the rest of the night. I knew I wouldn't really since he had work to do.
  Maybe using my alpha tone went kinda to far but I was still right. I got up went to the bathroom to brush my teeth before going to bed. Once I was done, I had turned off all lights in the room but one that was a little night light in the bathroom. I got under the covers and got into a ball to hold myself together as I slept. I have not done this really for a few years, but I only done this when I was annoyed, scared, or whenever I wanted too.
  After a while I had fallen asleep. A dreamless sleep. Just me, myself, and I in a big ass room all to myself.

The Alpha Female Princess Book 1Where stories live. Discover now