CH: 81 Powerless

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CH: 81 Powerless

(Rosemary POV)

Sometimes I have to remind myself not to let things get to me, especially when things are out of my control or something that will take forever to gain control of.

I don't particularly appreciate feeling powerless; whenever I am put in a situation where I feel helpless, it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

A sour taste that takes forever to get rid of.

This guy will try to do whatever it takes to fight the charges that will most likely be brought against him.

The question is, how will he fight it? What will he do to try to beat the case?

I don't like people who try to use their positions to get themselves out of trouble, especially if someone ends up getting hurt because of them.

"So what do we do now?" Jamison asked me as he came to stand next to me.

"We do what we do best." I said, turning my attention to the boy's mother—the look of regret and pain on her face.

"Don't children sometimes have the ability to see their love ones in their ghost forms?" Jamison whispered next to me.

"Yes, some children do. It starts with them wanting to see their loved one and wishing they could. Are you asking this because he hasn't shown signs that he can or can't see his mother?" I asked Jamison.

"Yes, do you think he can?" Jamison asked me.

I stared at the boy; a defeated look was on his face.

This will live with him forever: his mom's death. The fact that his dad had everything to do with the death of his mother.

"We should probably get going." I said to Jamison.

"Yeah, you're right. This whole thing is probably all overwhelming for the kid after all." Jamison said.

I nodded and walked toward the agents, letting them know that Jamison and I would leave.

"Let me know whenever you get word on the medical examiner that he is going to hire to do the autopsy." I said to them.

"Will do, he's probably have someone up his sleeve, someone who's done some dirty work and cover up." Agent Brown said.

"And whoever that person is, I would recommend that you look at every single case they took in." I said to them.

The room fell quiet; I looked around to see why and found everyone staring at me.

Did my tone come off rude? It was a habit of mine. I was starting to feel overwhelmed with this case.

"Yes, I agree with what you said. We will look into it." Agent Brown said.

"Okay, I'll reach out to you both if anything further comes up, but until then. She's going to remain in my morgue. I don't care who he sends to the morgue, but I am not releasing her. It's not my job to prove that he's the type of person he is; it's your job too. Keep me updated if anything changes." I said, leaving the hospital room.

There I go again; even though I can admit that my tone sounded rude, this wasn't a matter to relax with or to not take seriously. This was something that none of us should be wasting time with.

It took a while before Jamison joined me outside. I didn't ask him what took him so long. As I knew, Jamison has a soft spot for children, not only children, but he had a soft spot for people. If it wasn't for his soft spot. We wouldn't have met.

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