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Tuesday rolled around pretty fast; I was scared to say the least. I hadn't broken a single glass since Thursday, and I wasn't planning on breaking it tonight.

I had put on a black long sleeved cropped top along with some black jeans to match. I knew that the more I showed the better tips, so my breasts were pushed to the high heavens in this push up bra. My chocolate hair was in a braid that came down to just below my shoulder, I had put on some gloss and light make up. I loved it when I looked glamourous in make-up, but it was a waste here, I sweat so much making everyone's orders so fast the make-up is patchy by the end of the night.

I could hardly afford my rent I can't afford to waste make up. The FBI gave had a budget, my living costs were included. But this mission wasn't as well funded as others, Miller had to fight to keep it going. I made sacrifices, this meant I had agreed to pay 50% of the rent myself, if the task was successful this would be given back to me.

If I failed then, well I might have to start bartending for real.

The men coming tonight were the ones we needed to infiltrate. The entire place had been bugged, all I needed to do was pull the right questions out. I was under strict rules, I was under no circumstances to get too involved.

They were concerned about me getting too involved, I think they thought I might fall for a criminal. That would never happen.

I stood behind the bar cleaning all the glasses off as they were due any minute. Mr Hendy wasn't in tonight which meant for the first time ever I was alone in this place.

I was in charge so no pressure Grace.

You've got this.

I hear the front door of the bar open and in walks a huge man in a dark grey suit. He had darkened hair that looked near on black, neat stubble that would so easily become a full beard he clearly enjoyed the clean look. His body was massive, he had shoulders broader than an eagles wingspan.

He stood to an easy 6 ft 5 without question. There was a small scar close to his mouth but the stubbled covered most the evidence of that.

This was the boss. Xavier Cavalini, otherwise known as X.

"Who are you?" His voice was deep like he had just walked in from hell. He looked just like a devil in disguise. Charming so you fall but he was evil and once the guard is down, he would eat you alive.

I knew I was staring but I couldn't stop and worse of all no words were coming out of my stupid mouth. He cocks his eyebrow at me questioning as to why I was yet to answer him. He now stood just in front of me. I had a clearer view of his face, even though he looked like Lucifer his eyes were that of an angel. They pierced blue like the ocean.

"I am Grace, your barmaid" I manager to spit out, I had no idea why being in the presence of this man rendered me speechless.

"Where is Rio?"

Charming, he didn't seem to give a single shit I was there. He was more concerned where his usual slave was.

"He has a new job, so I am now your server, is that okay?" I ask him with a sharp nature in my voice. I didn't understand the issue it was serving a few drinks and by the looks of the men that followed the Adonis that stood in front of my eyes this would be a whiskey night.

"Why was I not informed of this prior to tonight, I would like to speak to Hendy" he snaps, wow he was short tempered.

The attitude he had made me cock my eyebrow at him. He was a man in charge and didn't appreciate the control being out of his hands.

"Hendy is out, it is just me so either order or don't I get paid either way" I say rolling my eyes.

There was a pregnant pause between us as his eyes scanned my entire body, like a lion before they pounced on the gazelle.

His face stayed stern. I had never been in the presence of a man who commanded an entire room. If he told his men to take a gun and shoot themselves in the head, there would be no question towards the matter.

"Don't fuck this up" he snaps turning away and heading to the round table in the middle of the room that was set out for their meeting. I just stand there clueless to what had just happened.

I knew that this man was a big boss and in charge, I had seen an image of him, but it was from a far, up close this man was a God. No criminal should look this hot.

I feel as if I had a lot to work with when it came to this man. He was a dominate personality, it was made clearer as a group of other men stroll through the door. They all wore suits and looked like important men. Of course, the leader of the group looked the most important, as they walked in, they shook his hand.

There was a blonder man stood next to him like a little shadow, he was looking up to him at every word that came from his mouth the blondie stared like a son looking up to his father.

I sigh as I continue to clean down the bar while they start their stupid meeting. I kept getting looks every now and again from the different men at the table as if I had done something wrong, I was unsure how I was supposed to fuck anything up while no one has ordered a drink.

The man from before meets my eyes again as he lights a cigar and places it between his lips. He was beautiful and there was no denying that, but he seemed like a jackass.

As our eyes stayed connected his hand ushers me over to the table, I walk out from behind the bar and over to the table where all eyes are on me.

"Yes" I ask as Adonis eyeballs me up and down once again.

"Can we get a drink, or do we need to make it ourselves" He asks in a sharp tone.

"You haven't ordered anything; I am not a mind reader"

I knew speaking to a customer was never going to be good for tips but speaking to a man like Xavier was dangerous. He ran the entirety of New York; he was known for his brutality. By my reports he has killed an estimated 200 people each year. There was no evidence to any of this, but we all knew this was happening.

All the other men had their eyes on me as I spoke back to the man in charge. Every single one of them seemed uncomfortable by the exchange they were witnessing. I don't think the embodiment of lucifer was used to this behaviour towards him.

He looked back at me with eyebrow cocked and bottom lip between his teeth.

"Rio didn't leave you many instructions then, we all have our own drinks so better start making them Dolcezza" I frown at the foreign name as it falls off his tongue.

I hated being patronised by anyone especially a man who thought he ruled the world. That's the thing with men, rich or poor they believed they were entitled to everything. I was expected to know their order simply because they had a meeting here. I hadn't met a single one of them before yet here I was being ordered around.

"What would you like?" I ask through gritted teeth. I knew I had to get through this and being a bitch would never make it quick. Hendy told me they leave around 9 and then I can go home while still being paid until 3am. It was a good deal, and I needed the cash badly.

"4 scotches and 5 whiskeys" He orders.

Every other man at the table keeps their mouth shut. This guy was the big boss, and they dare speak over him they would end up with a bullet in their brain.

I don't reply but head to the bar where I begin to make the drinks as the men begin speaking again, I couldn't hear what they spoke about, and I also didn't care.

I take the drinks over on a tray and plant them in the centre of the table I had placed the whiskeys one side and scotch the other.

"Whiskey and scotch" I interrupt their conversation pointing what one is which drink.

The men looked at me as if I had just flashed them. They were shocked by my interruption, the head of the table still smoking on the cigar frowns at me as I walk back to the bar.

I felt my every move being watched by him. I had no idea who he was, yet I felt as if I was being undressed with his eyes. He watched everything I did; he was not listening to a word being said in their meeting instead he watched me.

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now