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My heart was racing, I had never felt this anxious in my entire life. I sat in front of the vanity Xavier had bought for me, purely for this event. There was one thing I could never fault Xavier on, he was extra to any level.

He had purchased me, an entire vanity and make up artist for tonight. I knew there would be press there but this man was ensuring I felt my absolute best. It's strange how a man that is treating me with such kindness and love has plan to betray me.

I feel as if he is not the man I had fallen for, I felt distant. I had pushed myself away from him in the last few days. He knew something must be up, I didn't want to betray him.

But it was me or him now.

I take a deep breath in, the woman who held my face as she placed make up on my face. I had been deep in thought the entire time she made me over.

"You look beautiful by the way" She smiles down at me. I snap back to reality as I look at her, she held some blush in her hands.

"Thank you, I think it's your work" I let out a small laugh

She went to reply, but my head turns around quickly as I feel a figure at the door. I was expecting Xavier, but instead my eyes are greeted by his mother.

She held so much power, I watched as she commanded the entire room without a single word leaving her mouth. The staff they were in the room quickly made their way out.

The make up artist looked me, she knew this woman. She knew the power she held, I watched her slowly place down her brush before walking out of the room. Leaving me alone with Gia, this woman terrified me. I had never felt so intimidated by a woman before, men sure they had scared me most my life. But I had never feared women, I looked up to the strong ones.

Gia Cavalini was a force of nature, there was something about her I couldn't quite put my finger on. She had this aura, it was like she couldn't be crossed. No matter who you were, Gia Cavalini would be no match.

"Grace my love, you look beautiful" I stand up too greet her, she pulls me into a hug.

I feel her embrace as smile as she holds me tight, I knew she liked me. She had made that very clear to me when we first me. I still felt strange around her, like I wasn't too sure how to act.

"As do you" I smile, I feel her hand on my back she guides me back to my seat.

I sit back down as I watch her pull up a chair to sit opposite me. I could feel heart racing, I didn't trust anyone here right now. I knew Xavier's plan, I knew he was plotting to run away. I didn't know who else was involved in this plan; I didn't know if this was an entire FBI take down.

If I was just the collateral damage for this family.

"How are you feeling about tonight?" She asks me, I feel her hand land on my knee. I felt my breathing rise, I was scared of her.

I didn't know what was happening but I needed to stay cool. I was Grace not Allie right now, I had a few hours left and Grace would be gone.

I would be Allie Harris again.

"Nervous" I giggle out.

I was nervous but for a whole other reason than she may think. There was an entire swat crew waiting for midnight, I was at a catch 22. I was in love with this man, I didn't want too hurt him but I also had to protect myself.

"The press aren't too bad" She nods "I'm sure Xavier will keep you close"

I take a deep breath as I look at her, she had a look on her face. The type of look that told me she had something hidden, I didn't want to trust her. But there was something inside of me, I trusted her for some strange reason.

"My love" She breaths out to me, I feel her hand move from my knee up to my hair. She moves a loose hair from my face, I feel her cup my cheek as she tilts my head. "You look like you have the world on your shoulders"

I let out a small scoff, I knew I did. I had never felt so nervous in my entire life. I was scared to see Xavier, I didn't know how to act around him.

I didn't know if he would be the man I had fallen for or if he would be a different man now he had a plan. He was running away, gods knows where too but he was off. He was leaving me, in the next 24 hours my life would completely different to right now.

"Grace" She speaks again pulling me from my thoughts. I look up to wait for her response. "I know you're stressed, but whatever you have to do. Don't ruin your life for a man"

I feel my eyes widen, she knew.

I go to talk, but before I had a chance I feel the door open. I turn my head and I see Xavier, he looked so handsome.

I stand up as he enters the room, his face read love. The way he looked at me, it hadn't changed from the last time I saw him. He still looked at me like a fragile baby, like he had to do everything he could to protect me. He was still the same man I saw before.

I felt my heart race; this man looked at me with nothing but love in his eyes.

Once he reaches my side, he leans down and presses a kiss on my lips.

"You look beautiful" He smiles to me, his hand grazes the side of my face. I watch Xavier look up as his eyes meet Gia, a frown plasters across his face. "Mother, what are you doing?" He asks

"Just saying hello to Grace"

She was here for so many other reasons. I couldn't get into them right now, I was hours away from losing everything I had ever loved. The thing that made it worse, was looking into Xavier's eyes, I saw no betrayal.

Gia stands to move from her previous position, she walks past me rubbing her hand up my arm. I looking into her eyes, she had this look. I feel her pull my into a hug before whispering;

"Do what's right"

With that she was gone.

I was left stood at the closed door, she knew about me. But what was the right decision in her opinion? Did she want me to give Xavier up and turn him in?

"Grace?" I hear Xavier's soft tone, his hand lands on my lower back.

"Yes" I squeak out, every word felt like a task at this point. This night would be one of the worst of my life.

"I asked if you wanted a drink?"

I turn my head to see an opened bottle of champagne in his hand. I trail my gaze from his hand too his eyes, I needed to chill out before I gave myself away completely.

"Yeah, sorry I'm just nervous about all of the press" I lie, I was terrified of this man in front of me being taken.

There was no way I could escape now, SWAT are ready. Miller was ready, everything was in place and I knew they didn't trust me completely. They would have a back up plan if I tried to run.

Either way I was screwed.

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