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After hours of walking her long wavy hair stuck to her face and she could feel the drops of sweat running down her body. Loose hair coming down from her poorly tied ponytail, her mouth was dry and an immense headache started to form from dehydration. All the pain went away when she saw flashlights in the distance. Quinn immediately ducked under cover.

"Wonder how that man snuck trough our security."

"What man?"

"Didn't you hear about it? Some man has been sneaking into our bases and doing some fucked up shit. They found two of them tied to chairs like they'd been tortured."

Quinn's eye scouted out the area trying to figure out how many soldiers were around. She had only spotted the two talking and one in the distance. If she took out the two outside she could easily sneak into the school. Quinn patiently waited for the two guards to separate and listened in to as much info as she could.

"So there's two of them? I heard they found a young girl earlier today. Took her to seven."  Quinn's brows creased. They had to been talking about Ellie but how would they not know she was there as well. It also begged to question why didn't they chase her down? Quinn jumped back out of her thoughts when one of the guards finally started to walk away.

"I gotta take a leak dude I'll be back." Quinn carefully watched the man disappear around the corner of the building and she followed. When she saw his gun sling to this back and she heard the zipper of his pants go down she attacked.

"Shut the fuck up." She muttered as she sank her knife into his neck. The man choked up on his own blood and she carefully set him down. Instead of going after the second guy she patiently waited for him to come looking for the man she had just killed. As expected about five minutes later she heard the guards footsteps.

"What are you taking a shit on the concrete or something?" The guy joked but as soon as he hit the corner he was met with Quinn knife sliding across his neck. Quinn was surprised to only find two more men inside the building. The only one left was the one on top of the roof. Unsuspecting of her being in the building she made her way up a set of stairs.

"Don't." Quinn quickly aimed her gun at the man who raised his weapon.

"Who are you? Are you with those fuckers?" The man spat.

"Where's seven?" Quinn ignored his question and took a step forward. "I'm not telling you shit. Take one more step and you're dead."

Quinn's nostrils flared in irritation and she spoke. "I'm gonna ask one more time. Where's base seven?"

"Fuck you bitch." The man cursed at her and Quinn knew it was coming. Before the man could pull his trigger she did first. The bullet pierced the man's leg and he fell to his knees.

"Ah shit you crazy bitch." Quinn rolled her eyes and bent down. The girl calmly took the map out of her pocket and laid it on the floor. The man watched her nervously as she took the gun back out.

"So. Where's base seven."

"I'm not telling you shit. Do you really think you can take them all down." Quinn sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before nodding.

"Okay." She said calmly before using her gun to put pressure on his wound. The man immediately cried in pain.

"Okay okay. It's here. Here!" The man pointed at the map. His blood marking the spot. "You're gonna die, there's a whole bunch of us there."

Quinn looked at the man her face expressionless before picking the map back up.

"Thanks." She muttered before putting a bullet trough his head. The best thing she could've done was put him out his misery. On her way to the area on the map Quinn's feet became heavy. With unsteady breaths and a now shaking body she attempted to hold herself upright. Her hand gripped on to one of the rusting cars in the middle of the road. Her other arm firmly grasping her chest. She had just killed people. Without hesitation she killed them.

Quinn took deep steady breaths trying to calm herself. Eventually her heartbeat slowed and began to beat normality again. She couldn't panic. No. Not now. Every second counts.

The girl continued her way to the area the man he pointed to, there was only one building with lights coming from inside. A school. Quinn just hoped Ellie was still alive. When she got close enough to be spotted she bent down to sneak around the areas. There was a few of them on watch. She did a run around of the school and the back door would be her best bet with only two guards on watch. Quinn waited for the right timing where they would both faced opposite of each other. The time came soon enough and she ran out from behind the bushes as quietly as possible.

Quinn's grabbed the man from behind quickly slicing his neck. The other guard turned around. Luckily he seemed to be new and he looked at her in shock his hands shaking as he pointed his pistol at her.

"You're not gonna shoot."  Quinn taunted. He couldn't be older than her, either way she didn't give him enough time to think and she tackled him.

"Shut up." She muttered as she tackled his body. Her hands wrapped around his fragile neck and she watched him take his last breath. She wish she would've felt remorse but she didn't.

"Please be Alive." Quinn whispered as she opened the door behind the school.

After You (Ellie Williams)Where stories live. Discover now