Chapter 82

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The two ran to the corridor and followed the direction of the sound. In the darkness, the flashlight that fell on the ground was very conspicuous.

Mori Kogoro could barely see the black figure, and said to her, "Lan, are you okay?"

Conan picked up the flashlight that was very close to him, and finally saw clearly that the person on the ground was Xiaolan.

There was only one person standing beside her.

"Mr. Haneda?"

Conan's tone was a little surprised, because Haneda Ren was standing beside Xiaolan, supporting her, so that the other party did not fall directly to the ground, and had a buffer.

"How is this going?"

Kogoro said so, because of what he said before, he looked at Haneda Ren with unfriendly eyes, with a bit of suspicion.

He lifted his daughter up, and saw her pale face, obviously frightened: "Ghost! I saw a ghost just now!"

Although Xiaolan is very powerful, she is only afraid of these invisible things.

Conan was relieved when he saw that Xiaolan was not injured, then he heard Kogoro say: "How could there be such a thing, do you still think it is in a dream?"

Xiaolan: "But, I really saw it! When I came out of the toilet and walked back, I saw a piece of white cloth floating past, but I didn't see anyone at all!"

Seeing this, Conan interrupted: "Sister Xiaolan, when you saw it, was Brother Haneda by your side?"

"No." Xiaolan waved her hand and explained, "He only appeared after hearing my voice."

Several people looked at Ren Haneda, and the man noticed their suspicion and pointed to the door next to him.

"this is my room."

So when you made that cry, did you happen to be in Ren Haneda's room?

Thinking that they also heard Xiaolan's voice in other rooms, the two could imagine how the other was awakened in their sleep.

Both Kogoro and Conan felt a sympathy subtly in their hearts.

Thinking of this, light flashed in the distance, and the sound of footsteps slowly approached here.

"What's the noise? What's going on?"

After a few people walked in, they found out that they were from the Masuyama family.

Kogoro scratched his head, "Oh, I'm sorry, my daughter had a little accident, I didn't expect to alarm everyone."

He knew that someone in the Masuyama family had just died, and the matter of inheritance was happening again. The atmosphere was a bit delicate. If he heard what Xiaolan said, he didn't know what would happen.

Not surprisingly, his rhetoric was disgusted by everyone.

"What, you really know how to find trouble."

"If this continues, I will issue an order to evict guests. How can we be so noisy that we can't sleep and play around with you?"

Kogoro quickly apologized and said a lot of good things before letting the group of people go back.

Haneda Ren looked at several people, and said meaningfully: "I think, you should go back earlier. If you continue to stay here, this kind of thing may happen again, after all, there is more than one 'ghost' in this house. "

As he said this, he noticed that Xiaolan's shoulders shrank, obviously frightened.

Haneda Ren pursed her lips and said no more, "I'll go back first."

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