Chapter 88

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On the other side.

When Bourbon entered the room, he didn't notice anything unusual.

Because Haneda Ren is still dragging the butler downstairs, he still has plenty of time now.

He searched the whole room, but couldn't find a place to hide.

This is not surprising.

Haneda Ren once said: "There must be another secret room in his room, otherwise it would be impossible to find it after searching for so long."

Bourbon pursed his lips and began to rummage, he only hoped to have more time to find it before the butler returned.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

He heard footsteps.

It's the butler who's back.

Bourbon didn't hesitate, and hid in the closet.

He heard the door being opened.

"Sir, I'm back."

The voice of the old man said, "Master Lian seems to have encountered some problems last night..."

Bourbon frowned and looked through the gap in the wardrobe.

Who is he talking to?

But the distance was a bit far, and he couldn't hear what the person opposite said at all.

Only the butler's intermittent voice could be heard.

"Is that so? I see."

The sound suddenly disappeared.

Bourbon looked outside, but found no one, and the butler seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

He froze for a moment.

I am also silent now, there is no sound at all.


A distinct voice sounded in the room.

Bourbon froze for a moment, and when he looked up again, he saw himself facing a face, which was full of wrinkles and very old.

Seeing this scene suddenly, even he was taken aback.

Before he could react, the housekeeper smiled at him and said, "So you are here, no wonder Master Lian's reaction is so abnormal."

"I'm very sorry, even if you are Master Lian's friend, I can only say goodbye to you now."

As soon as the words fell, Bourbon felt empty under his feet, and the sudden weightlessness made him fall before he had time to react.

He didn't realize where he was until he hit the ground.

There was obvious pain in his body, and Bourbon gritted his teeth.

Before he got up, he heard the sound of loading.

"stand up."

A ghost-like voice rang in his ears, and Bourbon's face froze, and he raised his hands and stood up.

Sure enough, standing in front of him was the dead old man.

But this news didn't make Bourbon happy. He had a serious face and felt that he had already guessed his ending.

"Mr. Masuyama, long time no see."

The old man sat on the chair and looked at him, and snorted softly: "It's been a long time, if you don't count the number of times you came to my house over the wall."

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