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~~Your POV~~

You jump in surprise when Slender is suddenly in front of you again, your eyes wide as your brain works to process what he's just asked you.

"O-Oh! Warm milk with cinnamon," You tell him. "It's the only way she'll ever drink milk. It puts her sound asleep without anymore nightmares for the rest of the night."

Slender nods and once again disappears just as fast as he had come. You sigh and lay back on the stiff bed. You're not going to even dare stepping out of this cell before you're allowed to. This creature means business and you wouldn't be surprised if others like him are with him. It's an immediate death sentence! You scream and yelp when someone is suddenly at the end of your feet, scrambling off the bed and backing into a corner.

"What?! Who are you?!" You cry out.

"Sorry! I'm sorry!" He cries out, holding up his arms to pose a non threat. "I didn't mean to startle you. Hi! I'm Trenderman but you can call me Trender for short. I want to help you get out of here."

"How do I know I can trust you?" You ask, narrowing your eyes at him. Can Slender not kill you himself? He seemed so ready to and then he just froze up. You're not sure why.

"You're right. You can't unless you give me a chance," He explains. "Please? We don't have much time."

"That's a bad move trying to leave with my prisoner," Slender is suddenly looming over Trender and your heart jumps in your chest. You rush over and shove Trender out of the way, gasping out when something stabs through your stomach. You look down to see something black stabbing through your stomach and out your back. Your legs buckle as you gasp softly, trying to control your breathing.

"I'm sorry!" Trender cries when he sees you, his eyes wide on Slender. "She's done nothing wrong! Just let her go! Do something kind for once!"

"Look at that. I've been impaled," You laugh out loud and then groan in pain.

"Shit," Slender curses, pulling his tendril out of you.

You mumble incoherently when he's quick to catch you, looking up at him with a weak smile as you lose blood. "You weren't bluffing."

Your vision blurs and goes black after that, Slender being the last thing you see.

~~Slender's POV~~

"Shit! See what you've done?!" He snarls at his brother.

"Me?! You were planning to stab me! It's your fault for resorting to violence!" Trender snaps at him. "Someone needs to have compassion and clearly it's not you!"

"She's a human!" He barks at Trender as they rush to the infirmary. "Humans don't deserve compassion from any of us!"

"They're not as bad as you make them out to be!" Trender bites back. "She definitely isn't! Let her live for Sally's sake dammit. I don't want her to hate you if she ever finds out we let you kill her mother."

"So....Alive or dead?" Doctor Smiley breaks through their fight.

"Brother. Please?" Trender begs of Slender.

Slender grits his teeth as he looks down at the human, finally letting out a heavy sigh.

"Fine but Sally doesn't come near the infirmary. She'll have to stay a while," Slender says, setting you down on a bed. "Doctor Smiley. If you would please."

The doctor grins and immediately gets to work on saving the human, Slender chaining her to the bed by her wrist so she doesn't get any ideas about exploring if she's in here alone.

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now