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~~Your Pov~~

A soft groan leaves you when you finally wake up but you're still alone in the dark and empty house. Maybe you should take another candy? Just sleep through all of it. You try to distract yourself but your thoughts keep going to the nightmares Zalgo implanted in your mind for almost a year. You hug yourself as you tremble on the couch, trying to chase the memories away.

"Y/N. Y/N," A soft voice whispers, jumping in surprise when it suddenly feels like there's a hand on your shoulder.

You jerk your head up but no one and nothing is there. You shake your head. You must be hearing things because it's so quiet. You search the house for something to keep you busy, finding an old record machine in one of the rooms. Your eyes light up and you go through the albums available. The writing on all of them is old and faded so it's a gamble on what music is going to be put on. A smile comes to your lips when the music begins to play. It's older music, something you don't hear much of today, but it's still nice to have sound in this quiet house. As you sing along you freeze when you think you see someone but when you turn your head to look they vanish. You're starting to go nuts.

You leave the record playing and go to the kitchen to make yourself some food. You make a sandwich and settle back in the room with the record player.

"Y/N," Your name is called again, but still you see nothing.

Trying to shake the paranoia from your mind you decide to really explore the house. You probably won't find anything, but surely even this old house has secrets. You head into the main bedroom, swearing you see something vanish in the wardrobe. You open the two doors but nothing except old clothes and dust is inside. You feel over the panels and everything, trying to find some sort of anomaly. When you find nothing you close the wardrobe, about to leave the room when an idea comes to mind. The wardrobe is heavy but you're able to push it out of the way, finding and old door behind it.

You open the wooden door, finding a dusty hallway with very low light. Should you risk it? Who knows where this tunnel leads and if it's out of the protection of the house that could be an issue. Still, the curiosity is gnawing at you and you decide to take the risk. It's not a long hallway, opening up to reveal a dusty study. There's books in a million languages that make no sense to you but you're sure Slender and his brothers could likely read them. You search the study, a small key falling from a painting you straighten. You kneel down and pick it up, looking around. Where is this tiny thing going to fit. A flash of something out of the corner of your eye gains your attention and you look towards the desk.

You walk over and test out the different drawers, finding one that's locked and fits the small key. Inside the drawer is an old book bound in black leather. You blow off the dust but the cover yields no hint as to what it is. You hesitate a moment but decide to open it, gasping when a bright light suddenly shoots out and surrounds you.

"Hey! Don't! Please!" You cry, knowing you're too late when you suddenly find yourself in an all whiteness room.

Your heart pounds in your ears as you look around in a panic. No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Where are you?! How do you get back?! You try to reach the walls but it's like they're moving away from you as you try to reach them. Tears are filling your eyes as panic overwhelms you, sinking to your knees. You should have never looked.

"Relax, darling. You are safe and will be returned," A soft voice calls, your head snapping up when you suddenly feel a comforting warmth around you. It reminds you a lot of Slender.

You look up to find a woman who looks a lot like Slender and his brothers, your eyes widening. Did you really just get yourself killed? Oh god, you really screwed up.

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now