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~~Your Pov~~

"That was so much fun! I wanna go again!" Sally cheers once we're all settled in the living room together.

"I don't want the magic to end," Marie sighs from Jane's side.

"Me either. Something feels missing," Jane says, agreeing with her wife.

"What could we have possibly missed?" Jeff questions from the floor where he's gaming with Ben.

You all just got back from Disney Land and are just relaxing in the living room before you all have to unpack and do laundry.

"I agree with Jane and Marie," Nina declares. "What's something magical we've wanted to do for a while?"

The girls all ponder as the boys groan and roll their eyes. A soft smile comes to your lips as you lean against Slender. He was tense at first but soon relaxes. Sally ended up staying with different pastas during the last few days so you and Slender had the bed to yourselves. You two would cuddle at night and just the three days sleep had helped rest and rejuvenate you. The nausea has even eased up which let you have fun with all the others. They've been excited that you've been able to keep up with everyone. Slender hasn't said a word about the whole cuddling thing, so you've kept quiet as well. Slender doesn't even offer a hint of the fact that him cuddling you helped the whole Zalgo situation.

You hate yourself for hoping it's more than that, wishing desperately to admit your feelings to him, but you don't want to ruin what the two of you currently have right now. It's just easier to keep it hidden. You didn't even think when you leaned up against Slender but it would probably look weird if Slender freaked out about it. So, he stayed still and allowed it. You listen to the girls wishing for something more from the whole experience.

"We didn't get the chance to go to the ball," You point out, chucking when all the girls snap their attention to you.

"That's right! We were all going on the rides," Jane points out.

"Isn't it on you guys for not going because you weren't paying attention?" Jeff questions as their attention turns to me. "How would we even do one? I don't want to dress up in a stuffy suit."

"I spent the whole night in the room because I needed sleep, so I suppose that is on me," You admit to him with a small smile, confused when his eyes seem to widen and a 'frown' makes itself present on his mouth. "I'm sorry! I didn't meant to upset you."

"Fine, but I get to pick the color," He huffs, rolling his eyes when some of the girls squeal with excitement. You're a little relieved when Jeff flashes you a grin before he turns his attention back to his video game.

"Ooh! I get to create all the outfits!" Trender gasps with excitement. "It's slow business right now so I have all the time in the world!"

"I'm happy to help decorate!" Clockwork says with an excited smile.

Chatter suddenly fills the living room as people voice various opinions about having a ball. You can't help your smile but part of you feels guilty about people who seem to be doing it even if they don't want to. You don't want to force anybody to do something they don't want to do and you don't want them feeling guilty for not doing it.

"If not everyone wants to do it we don't have to," You voice, everyone turning their attention towards you. "I just don't want anyone to feel forced to do anything."

"You're not forcing me," Jeff pipes up, his eyes firm on yours. "I just don't like suits."

"I expect everyone to look the part," Slender says firmly, 'looking' down at you. "Even you missy."

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now