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~~Your Pov~~

You sigh softly as you make your way down a random path in the trees, just following the path lit best by the moon and stars so you can see. You have no real destination in mind as you just wander. You come to an opening in the forest that leads you to a lake that shimmers under the stars. The water is completely still, almost making you feel like if you enter the water you'll be taken into a new world. You sit at the edge and just stare out at the water for a while.

"You really shouldn't wander this place alone," A gentle voice says, earning your attention.

"I needed some time to think," You mumble at Splendor as he sits beside you. "It's easier to do it in nature. Then it doesn't feel so lonely."

"Did something happen?" He asks you.

"Slender doesn't like me. I guess I'm trying to get myself ready for when I have to leave. Not that anything is going to prepare me for it. Maybe I can just soften the blow a little," You mumble softly. "I don't really have any place where I belong."

"Slender will warm up to you," Splendor assures you. "It's just going to take a little bit of time."

"Do I even have that little bit?" You ask him, hissing out and groaning when a spasm goes through your side.

"Are you alright?!" He cries, moving your hand and looking at your bandage. Fortunately it's dry.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Doctor Smiley told me I'll get some spasms because of the nerves that got interfered with," You explain with an apologetic smile. "Sorry to worry you."

"It's alright. Just want to make sure you don't try dying on us again," He teases, giving you a gentle nudge. "Listen, don't stay out too late okay? If you'd like, you can stay in my bed again."

"Thank you Splendor," You hell him. "I'll be back in soon."

"Just follow the path back," He tells you.

"Will do," You smile.

He leaves you to yourself and your thoughts and you spend a while longer at the lake. When you're ready you get to your feet and dust yourself off from the grass and the dirt. A soft smile comes to your lips before you strip down to your bra and underwear. You wade into the cool water until it's up to your knees, looking up at the stars above you . The stars seem to shine around you in the moment, making you feel at peace. You've completed your goal. You found Sally and you've gotten to spend time with her and meet her new family. You suppose that if you do have to die, your only regret is how much it'll hurt Sally.

~~Splendor's Pov~~

He heads back to the mansion after checking on Y/N, a heavy sigh leaving him. In the beginning he understood Slender's reservations but he's not seeing what Splendor is seeing! Everyone gets along so well and you're happy to participate. You give the pastas the mother figure they've never had. It's a bonus that you're already Sally's mom. You treat everyone so kindly but his brother is blind. He makes his way to his room once he reaches the mansion, leaving the door cracked for you. He climbs into bed and puts on a movie, ending up falling asleep waiting for you. He stirs when he hears his door close, giving you a smile when you look over.

"Sorry to wake you," You whisper softly as you lie down in bed.

"Not at all. I'm happy to see you safe. Did you shower?" He asks.

"I went for a dip in the water. It was cold and felt nice," You giggle softly. "I showered when I got back but did it in one of the main bathrooms because I didn't want to wake you up."

"You're so considerate," He tells you with a happy smile. "You're fitting right in here you know. Despite everything Slender says."

"I guess he just needs time to get to know me?" You offer, not sounding convinced.

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang