Keeping You Safe

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~~Your Pov~~

"You look like a million bucks," Offender comments from the doorway as you wash the dishes.

"I feel better than I have the whole year," You smile at him. "Thanks for noticing."

"How did Slender win someone as amazing as you over?" Lucifer questions, making you jump in surprise when he just suddenly appears sitting on the counter. "I just don't get it."

"Don't do that!" You scold, shaking your head.

"Never woulda guessed you were his soulmate either," Lucifer comments. "You've got some serious luck about you woman."

"Soulmate?" You ask, looking between Lucifer and Slender's brothers. "What do you mean?"

"You guys haven't told her?" Lucifer questions. "My bad."

"How do you know?" You ask, looking at his brothers.

"We," Offender says with a frown.

"When you told me you loved me too I felt on top of the world. It's like my entire world is exactly where it's meant to be. I feel like I've found my better half. I don't know if you believe in that sorta thing," Slender says, everyone parting to let him through. "I just didn't recognize the signs until the night of the ball."

You stare at Slender, feeling completely shocked by his declaration. Soulmates mean a lot and you've always hoped you had one. Your parents needed out of debt. Your ex husband stepped up and demanded you marry him to pay off their debts. He was furious when you got pregnant within the first few months. Once you had Sally he didn't want anything to do with her. You never really loved the man but you loved Sally. You were willing to put your happiness aside for her. You just never really considered there might really be someone out there for you.

You turn off the water and just think for a minute as everyone waits for your answer. You felt it too. When you admitted your feelings to Slender a huge weight was lifted off you. Just like when you finally got to see Sally. Slender makes you feel better. He always makes sure you're okay and you do the same for him. Some of the pastas mentioned you could read Slender better than all of them, even better than his own brothers sometimes. Despite everything that has happened this man has been so caring and supportive taking care of you once he got over the fact you were under Zalgo's control.

It took him a bit but he got there. When you told him you loved him it's like all your illnesses disappeared. You sleep without constant nightmares and the nausea is gone. You fulfilled the requirement for breaking Zalgo's hold and it was with Slender. You don't want to rush into things because of this knowledge, but the idea of this man being just yours sends heat to your cheeks. That's right. He's yours and you're his. No matter what, you two are meant to figure things out together.

"I'd say we make a pretty good team," You tell Slender after thinking. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes," Slender chuckles, closing the distance between the two of you.

Your heart pounds in your chest as his strong hand grasps your chin and guides you to look up at him. Your eyes slide closed and Slender presses his lips to yours.

"Not in the kitchen you two," Offender snickers, laughing when your cheeks go bright red.

"Nobody asked your opinion," Slender huffs, looking over at his brother after he pulls away.

"See? He's an asshole! Y/N, why do you even like this man?" Lucifer questions, looking over at you from the counter.

"Why are you even here?" Slender fires back at the demon.

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now