Insecure Relaxation

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~~Your POV~~

Neither you or Slender move as you both go dead quiet, not quite sure what to say in your current situation. Your hand tightens into a fist against his chest as you take in a shaky breath.

"I'm sorry," You're the first to speak, thankful when Slender sets you down. "I think I can manage."

"Are you certain?" He asks you.

No. You're not. You're not certain at all. It's all you can do to keep a straight face as you feel like breaking down. Slender hesitates but nods his head, retreating out of the bathroom and closing the door. To keep yourself distracted you strip off your bathing suit and climb into the bath, taking slow and deep breaths in hopes to keep from vomiting anymore. Slender is gone when you finally make it out of the bath but you're relieved by the fact. You're not sure you can face him right now anyway. The door is closed and your suitcase is on the bed. Still fighting throwing up you get dressed before leaving the cabin. You follow the footprints in the sand to the house in the middle of all the cabins, pushing open the door and getting hit with the smell of food.

In usual cases it would make your mouth water but right now it's all you can do to keep from doubling over. You follow the small trail of sand that leads to the main room where everyone is seated at a huge table. A spot for you sits open by Slender and part of you is tempted to just retreat and leave before you're spotted. Lucifer's red eyes find your gaze first and he offers you a sympathetic smile. This earns Slender's attention who looks over at you, carefully getting up from his chair. Should you run? Running sounds a lot better than dealing with your problems at the moment.

"Sally saved you a seat," He says, surprising you when he suddenly wraps a shawl around your shoulders. It reminds you of a quilt as you look over the different patterns on it, looking up at Slender when he rests his hands on your shoulders. "Better?"

You pause a moment as realization dawns on you. You're a human but you can recognize a few of the mingling smells around your shoulders. Everyone has gone quiet and is looking at you. Worry crosses everyone's features when you suddenly start to cry, Slender earning their attention when he chuckles.

"Better," You finally get out when you're sure your voice is steady.

"Humans are so emotional," Slender remarks, but it's all in good fun.

"Once the smells start to die down let us know," Trender is next to speak up. "Not my greatest work but I did what I could."

"It's honestly the most incredible thing I've ever gotten," You admit to him with an apologetic smile. "Well, other than Sally. Thank you everyone."

"It was Slender's idea!" Mary chirps with a smile. "You are helping to protect everyone. We want to do the same for you."

"You're not bad for a human," Jeff says, his grin seeming to get wider.

"It was my favorite shirt too," Ben teases you, snickering when you roll your eyes with a smile.

"Now! Who's hungry?!" Laughing Jack asks with a giggle. "I'm withering away in my seat."

"You're all in luck! My chefs have prepared everyone's favorites. Since Slender never bothers," Lucifer declares, everyone's attention on him now. "It's a vacation after all!"

Everyone chats excitedly as dishes of food are brought out and you follow Slender to your seat. Sally grins at you from your other side and you smile back. The nausea isn't completely gone but it's gone enough for you to keep food down. The shawl everyone helped Trender put together comforts you and you don't feel so afraid anymore. If you do end up ever in control of that demon you know exactly what you'll do. You'll end yourself before you betray your family, of that you're certain. You're not going to let that demon win, no matter what it takes. Dessert is brought out after everyone is finished with dinner, everyone going to their individual cabins at the end of the night.

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