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~~Your Pov~~

Two months seem to pass in the blink of an eye as you settle into life inside the mansion. Slender has shown you the border between the mansion and the real world and where you can and cannot walk. That way you don't feel so cooped up since you can't really leave the protection of the mansion. The nightmares are still attacking you full force but you finally have a room so you don't disturb anyone. Still, everyone can see the toll they're taking on you. Everyone mentions how tired you look but you assure them you're okay. Even if you want to sleep it's almost downright impossible with the nightmares.

You're settled in one of the rocking chairs on the small porch of the mansion. You're gently rocking as you play a game on your new phone. Slender had gifted it to you a couple weeks ago so you could freely take pictures and what not. In doing so you're even able to show Slender baby pictures you have of Sally. The pastas also helped move all your stuff to the mansion, so in the human world you basically packed up and fled into the night. It's rather quiet outside, the usual singing birds quiet as the sky is overcast with grey clouds. You can easily smell the rain that would be falling before too long.

~~Slender's Pov~~

"It gets cold when it rains," Slender says, gaining your attention. "Here, I brought you a blanket."

"Oh! Thank you. It's just so peaceful right before it rains. It's all so quiet," You say, accepting the blanket and wrapping it around you as he settles in the other rocking chair.

"It is," He tells you, chuckling when soft pitter patters suddenly gain your attention as the rain begins to come down.

He watches you as you look so happy and content. If it wasn't for the bags under your he'd say you actually look at peace. You watch the rain falls and an idea comes to mind. He's not sure if you'll be willing but he's going to try.

"You down to take care of me if I get sick?" You suddenly ask.

"What?" He asks completely confused. "Why would you get sick?"

"Have you ever danced in the rain before?" You grin, getting out of the rocking chair.

He watches as you put your phone and blanket down before running out into the front yard. He can't help but chuckle as you spin around in the rain. He steps out into the rain and grabs you by the hand, guiding you into a spin. He swears his heart skips a beat when you look so happy. He pulls you flush against him and rests a gentle hand on the small of your back. He dances with you in the rain and he's feeling something he's never felt before. He's surprised when the other pastas are suddenly there, having got so lost in the moment he doesn't even register their presence at first.

He suddenly retreats back but you don't seem to mind as Sally runs over to dance with you. Everyone is laughing as they dance around, mud splashing at their feet. He retreats back to the porch and stiffens when his brother's hand is suddenly on his shoulder.

"Don't run from it," Offender tells him before he strides towards you for a dance.

That weird feeling is in Slender's chest again. He's....mad at his brother. He's mad that Offender is dancing with you in the rain. He shakes his head and retreats inside, heading for his room. He can't figure this out. He doesn't understand these feelings! He slams the door and rests his back against it, sinking to the floor as he sits. What the fuck is going on?! Why is he feeling like this? WHAT is he feeling exactly? He should go back out there. Ask you to dance with him again.

He gets cleaned up and into dry clothes, settling in his office as he drums his fingers on his desk. He lets out an annoyed huff but he finally grabs his phone, dialing a number he's sure he's going to regret.

Our Daughter (Slenderman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now