Bigger Person

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~~Your Pov~~

You gasp and your eyes finally snap open after a night of restless sleep. Every time you closed your eyes you saw Zalgo or some awful thing happening to all the creatures you care about. You slip out of bed but end up collapsing as soon as you try to stand. What the hell?! Why are you  so damn shaky and weak?! You slump back against the bed as you sit on the floor and stretch your legs out.

"Y/N?! Are you alright?!" Splendor cries when he comes in to check on you you assume.

"I'm just shaky," You assure him. You accept his hand when he offers to help you up.

"Here, Lucifer said to have you drink this," He says, offering you a small cup of some weird purple liquid.

"Looks....colorful," You mumble before huffing and down the cup's contents.

Much to your surprise the fatigue you're feeling goes away and you're able to stand steady on your own two feet.

"Breakfast is ready. We did quiches today," Splendor says. "I'm quite the baker but I heard you can give me a run for my money."

"I have a few secret recipes," You tell him with a grin, filling him downstairs. "Maybe we should have a bake off."

"Bake off?" Jeff pipes up from behind you. "Hell yeah. Let's have an all sweets party!"

"All sweets party?" L.J. gasps out. "You do intend to invite me do you not?"

"Couldn't imagine it without you," Splendor chuckles.

"I make candies so I won't be competing but I would love to help!" L.J. tells you.

"Did I hear bake off?" Clockwork asks with an excited smile.

"Seriously?!" E.J. cries.

"Oh hell yeah! This place is going to smell amazing!" Nina cries with excitement. "How soon are we getting it?!"

"How does tomorrow sound?" Splendor asks you. "If you're up for it?"

"Sounds fun," You assure him. "Are we allowed help?"

"Two people each!" Splendor grins.

"I call Sally!" You waste no time saying, grinning when Splendor glares at you.

"Hey! That's not fair!" He protests.

"You snooze you lose," You tease him with a grin.

You settle in the dining room with everyone who is chatting excitedly about the bake off. You enjoy having a relaxed breakfast with everyone again, finding you're able to relax. Dying isn't a great reason to try and spend as much time with everyone as possible but you know you need to do this. You want to give out what love you have to these creatures and remind your baby girl how wonderful and perfect she is. You're going to make the most of the time you have left to live. It feels weird. Knowing you're going to die. It's so close but you're not sure when it's going to happen.

"Mommy makes the best cakes! They're always so yummy and pretty!" Sally says with a smile.

"A bake off sounds good," Slender remarks when he enters the dining room.

You frown and look down at your food so you can avoid his gaze. You miss the look of hurt that goes across his face, looking up at Splendor when he rests a gentle hand on your knee. You give him a smile and sneak a glance at Slender who is now sitting and eating his breakfast.

"What should we cook first?" You ask everyone with a smile.

"I want chocolate cake please!" Sally requests.

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