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The one thing I dreaded more than moving out of my college apartment was seeing him again. The only escape I ever had from the man was school. We both decided to leave New York but thankfully, we went north in separate ways. I went to Michigan with my best friend while he chose to go to Boston College.

I could never tell you why a New Yorker decided to go to a rival city. But that perfectly explains Trevor. The only reason he is even on my mind right now is because our high school friend group decided to celebrate us all graduating at the lake. And since the boys are friends w him, there was a moment of debate whether to invite him or not.

Right now I have about thirty minutes left on my flight back home. In some ways I wish it would crash so I have an excuse to not go back at all.

"So I was talking to Will and he said he should be back when we get back, so it all works out. I am so excited to bring little Will around the boys!" My best friend Jules starts squealing from the seat next to me.

"Him and Luke are practically brothers, he's met the guys," I laugh.

"Still Lana, he hasn't seen them in years. He exiled himself to Boston and then decided to spend the past two summers abroad,"

"Leave it to my baby brother to go off the grid once again," I respond laughing again. My brother ran away for two days in middle school. He was upset that I got a new phone and he didn't, so he took it upon himself to take the subway into the city and live with the homeless for two nights.

My parents did not take that well and ended up sending him to boarding school. He tries to argue it was for hockey, but everyone knows that was a small part of it. Once he turned 16 he had his own life. He spent Summers visiting his friends and as I was going to college, we really only saw each other on Christmas. This is the first time in awhile where we will be together for more than a couple days.

The flight attendant starts to speak up explaining we are preparing to land.

"I called the Uber before we took off so by the time we land we'll have twenty minutes to grab out bags, use the bathroom, and leave," Jules was always quite the planner. I admired her for that.

"Perfect, and what is the ETA to mine?" I ask.

"Between three twenty-seven and three forty-six, depending on the traffic,"

Once we finally land I ran to the bathroom while Jules ran to baggage claim. We already shipped most of our stuff home so thankfully we only had two suitcases each filled with clothes. I quickly touched up my makeup and redid my ponytail before meeting her to grab out bags.

I look around the airport and notice the amount of college students. A lot of younger ones hugging their parents, lots of tears everywhere but tons of smiles too. Its a bittersweet moment for sure.

I notice my bags and rush to grab them.

"Ok, Frank is here!" Jules screams while pushing me towards the exit towards. We got there just in time as the driver opened the trunk.

"Bedford right?" He confirms as we get in the car. We both nod and he starts driving.

It took an hour to get home which was within the time Jules said we would be back by. It was a silent ride. I had my AirPods in and aimlessly scrolled through every social media platform to keep me entertained.

As I started to become more familiar with the area I knew we were almost back and checked the group chat to see if anyone had said anything. There were a few texts from Jack and his brothers. No one else has said anything since they were going off about how they missed each other.

Jack Hughes added +1(914)247-8418 to "GO BLUE BITCHES"

+1(914)247-8418 added Will Wagner to "GO BLUE BITCHES"

"Who did Jack just add and why did they add my brother?" I look over at Jules and she looks down at her phone. I could've sworn her eyes went wide when she looked at her phone but she casually just shrugged.

"Not sure, don't have the number saved,"


I brush it off and start smiling once we pull into my driveway. I notice a black jeep parked right up front which means the guys are already here. I jump out of the car leaving my bags on the ground and run inside.

"SHE'S HOME!" My brother starts screaming and runs to hugs me. Even though we don't see each other much, we are still pretty close. I kid is like my son. I hear footsteps running up from the basement and I am immediately attacked with hugs from Jack, Luke, and Quinn.

We all say hi and hug and then Jules walks in. She is greeted the same by the guys while I run back outside to bring some of our bags in.

I start rolling the last suitcase inside and my brother stops before.

"I really want you to meet someone," He says in a serious tone.

"Oh my god, do you have a girlfriend?" I ask getting a little excited.

"Oh yeah Playboy Will definitely settled down," Luke laughs from the other room.

"Yeah sorry sis, commitment, one girl, not really my thing," He says and I roll my eyes. "No, remember how I told you I joined a frat at school. So basically my big ended up being a senior like you, and he is from around here. He's downstairs with Cole and Alex right now but I invited him to come to the lake with us,"

In a hurry he grabs my hand and rushes me downs while covering my eyes.

"Lana ,  I'd like you to meet not only my best friend, but my father, my lord and savior, the reason why I am on this planet-" I cut my brother off.

"You're big," I laugh.

"Yeah my big," He says sounding bummed a little. He takes his hands off my eyes. "Alana Wagner, this is Trevor,"

My face drops instantly. Trevor stands up and faces me and takes a deep breath.

"I should've guessed," He says under his breath.

I stay silent and look at the man in front of me. Will's smile slowly fades and he looks at me then at Trevor then back at me again.

"Do you guys know eachother? I figured you might since well, everyone knows everyone here. And he said he was friends with Jack. But I met him at Avon when I was a sophomore and then he told me to rush his frat and next thing you know, well it wasn't really a surprise to me but-" I cut my brother off again from rambling.

"Oh my god, I do know Trevor! I fake a smile and an excited tone. "I am so glad you are joining us tomorrow. What a-" I stop for a moment trying to fake my happiness. "What a lovely surprise," I finish.

Trevor gives me a hug and it was quite possibly the most uncomfortable and awkward interaction in the history of interactions.

"I do know your sister Will! I had no idea, genuinely. What are the odds your sister is the Alana Wagner," He says in the same fake tone as me.

Will starts talking again to the both of us and I can't even pretend to be paying attention. The number added to the group chat was Trevor. Jules knew because they have hooked up before, she has his number saved.

Will has told me about his bug before, about how he looks up to and admires him. My little brother looks up to Trevor Zegras. Thats a sentence no one ever wants to be true.

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