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The would you rather questions stopped for a good ten minutes before there was two hours straight of them back to back. When we got home I was under the impression that he was just going to drop me off, but instead he brought my things in for me and went straight to Will's room. 

I went straight to mine to unpack and get everything back in order in my childhood bedroom. 

The rest of the day I spent laying in bed. I had gotten a text before I left from my ex- situationship might be the right word. I never responded. I was way too overwhelmed with Trevor talking, his mood swings, and my own feelings for him to think about something that is almost more confusing. 

I tried to give myself a mental re-cap of the past week or so I had with him. I felt like I was going to throw up. Before I had to the chance to, my phone started ringing. 


"Heard you are home, let in me," I hear. the voice say back to me. I hang up and sigh before rushing downstairs to unlock the front door. Jules stares at me and laughs. I love her but I was not over how she left me with Trevor. 

"Sorry, need help unpacking?"

"No," I reply walking back to my room. She walks up with me laughing until but stops right outside Will's room. "What are you doing?" I whisper scream at her. 

"Shut up I heard your name," She says back, now leaning her head on the door. "Oh my god is Trevor still here?" 

I nod. Curiosity gets the best of me and I lean up against the door with her. I try to listen in but I can't make out full words or sentences from either of the boys. I hear a few mumbles but it doesn't take long till I can't hear anything. 

I hear footsteps and try to jump away from the door fast enough before it opens. Unfortunately there was nothing natural looking about me and Jules standing there. 

"Oh look, Jules is here," Will laughs looking back in his room at Trevor. "You guys just walking to Lana's room right?"

"Yup. Just passing by," Jules smiles. 

"Ironic," Trevor scoffs. 

I roll my eyes and stand to walk into my room when I hear Jules start talking again. 

"So I heard a certain someone's name be brought up, what might that be about?" She asks. 

"How fucking psychotic her best friend is," Trevor slams the door which causes me and Jules to laugh a little. 

We went into my room and ask she started asking me questions I felt my mind wonder. 

Real life starts soon. Now if anything. The trip was a fun distraction from being a real adult. But now it was time to get serious again. Real job, moving out of my parent's house, finding a boy to settle down with in the next five years or so. 

I never realized how hard it would be to graduate college. Or what comes after. I have been looking forward to this time forever but it scares me. And I cannot tell anyone how scared I really am. Growing up for real. 

"Wait so you guys fucked at least ten times right?" Jules snaps me out of my thoughts and I look at her disgusted. 


I am trying to wrap my head around my future not Trevor but no one wanted to let me think about real things. Trevor and I had good and bad moments. But in order to get my life on track I need to move on from fun flings like that. 

Trevor is not a future. He isn't capable of that and if I want to be successful and have the family and life I imagined, he is not the one. As Jules keeps talking I decide to text Nico back. I tell him I got home and start playing music to drown out my friend's delusions. 

"Oh my god but if I start dating Quinn and you are with Trevor, it would be so cute,"

"Why because they love each other so much?" I ask sarcastically. They do love each other but Quinn has never been Trevors biggest fan when it came to more than an hour spent with him. 

"Yes?" Jules almost screams back at me. 

I roll my eyes at her. 

"You are delusional," 

"And you are texting Nico. Which one of us is more delusional right now?"

"He told me to let him know when I was back!" I defend myself. 

"So did the groupchat, and you didn't text that back,"

She had a valid point. I do not think I have a future with Nico however he has the qualities I would want in someone to take them seriously. 

"I was getting to that," I mumble. "If you are going to stay can you help me unpack," 

The two of us start putting my clothes away together. I kept the music on in the background and tried to focus on organizing and less on my thoughts. After about twenty minutes Quinn had called Jules, making her leave my room for privacy. 

I continue unpacking and go into re-organizing my desk. My makeup was spread out everywhere along with my jewelry and all my chargers. 

"Knock knock," 

I ignore the voice coming from the other side of the door. But clearly that wasn't a good enough hint that I wanted to be alone because he walks inside and makes himself at home. 


"You are not who I expected to walk through that door," 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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