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I do not remember more than half of last night. The last clear memory I have was me and Will beating Jack and Luke in pong and then getting thrown in the pool. After that it is very limited. I remember talking to Trevor for a minute. And the fact that I threw up, but that's about it.

Thankfully I don't feel hungover though. Just exhausted.

"Good morning Wagner,"

I freeze in my position. That is not Jules's voice. I share a bed with Jules. Not a boy. And especially not-

"Trevor," I say calming. I sit up a little and look over at him. I try to remember anything that happened to make us be in this position right now but I'm stuck.

"Relax, we just watched a movie. Someone got too drunk and was begging for me to take care of them," He says. I may have been blacked, but I know I would never ask Trevor for that help. "Anyways, Jules and Quinn fell asleep outside,"

"No one is finding out about this," I tell him.

I will never live this down. Even if we did nothing last night. Being friendly with Trevor and friendly enough to fall asleep in the same bed with him is not a good look for me. In fact it is probably a terrible look.

"Normally I would agree but uh-" He grabs my phone and hands it to me. "Might be out of our hands at this point,"

GO BLUE groupchat


Jackno shotmy dawgggggg

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no shot
my dawgggggg


did hell freeze over
like i walked into my room to see this??

why did neither of them tell me
theyre basically both my parents


If they don't wake up by 1 im going in

I click on the picture Jules sent of me and Trevor and almost physically gag. This cannot be real. I'm just confused on why no one is confused that this happened. Like they are making a joke of it? If I were Jules I would make a case of Trevor took advantage of a drunk girl, because what the fuck.

"Why were you touching me? And why are you shirtless?" I practically scream.

"You fell asleep on me first!" Trevor screams back in full defense. "Plus it's hot as fuck in this room. You think I wanted this shit getting out anyways. It's fucking embarrassing,"

"Oh yeah, real embarrassing for you. If you will excuse me, I'm getting ready for the day. When I am done showering I really hope you are back in Boston," I reply getting up. 

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