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Sorry this took so long I honestly just haven't been checking notifs recently. This chapter is a little bad but I needed to get something out so I could continue with the rest of the story! more soon i promise


The room went silent as the storm started coming into full effect. 

"Sorry for yelling at you," Trevor mumbles. 

"It was my fault," I respond just as quietly. 

I didn't want to let go of Trevor. Whatever difference my head and heart felt right now didn't matter. As I thought about my life, there was never a time where he was not in it. Even as my enemy. 

I started to think back on the memories of him I had from when we were younger. 

"Do you remember when you came over and pushed me to the ground after I called Jack gross for kissing me," I laugh a little thinking about the first fight we had at around seven years old. 

Trevor lets out a little laugh and nods. 

"I didn't push you because you rejected Jack, I pushed you because I was mad you guys kissed," He says. "Lana, I've always had a thing for you," 

I went quiet again. I want to lash out at him for saying that, but I know better than to do that again. It also is not what I want to do. It was my escape. 

"If you start yelling at me I swear to god," He says causing me to laugh a little. 

"I'm not going to yell at you," I say holding in my own laugh. The thunder comes back a little louder this time but it is followed up with loud harsh rain. "I'm sorry," 

"I'm sorry too," 

Trevor puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. I look out the window and check to see how bad it was. The answer was pretty bad. 

"You think everyone's okay?" I ask. He shrugs and grabs a beer from the side table. 

"You really think they went hunting?" Trevor asks taking a sip. He grabs his phone and opens Jack's locations. He was an hour and a half away. 

Down the highway. 

On the way back to New York. 

"You don't think they-" I stop myself for a moment. 

I jump up from the couch and run upstairs to check the rooms. Everything was gone. The boys bags were gone, Jules's makeup and hair products were out of her bathroom. Will's bed was made. 

They left. 

I let out a loud scream and Trevor runs upstairs. 

"What happened?" 

I stare at the empty room filled with so many emotions I did not know how to react. I watch as he looks around and starts laughing. His stupid laugh and stupid smile made me want to punch him. 

I don't care if we are made up. I have to sit in the car for hours alone with him now if I want to go home. Not to mention, we can't even leave until the storm passes. With Trevor's driving and my erratic mood swings right now, the last thing we need it for a foggy windshield to make it even harder to survive. 

"Can a girl not be frustrated in her own room?" I ask trying to calm down. 

"My bad princess. But if you need to scream I can help you," 

Trevor takes a few steps towards me and I try to take deep breaths. Not because he is turning me on, but because I physically need to calm down before I slap him. 

"Trevor please take a step back," I reply trying to be as calm as possible. He puts his hands up in defense and takes a couple steps back to where he originally was. I sit down on my bed and put my head in my hands. 

"Ok so now what? We are stuck here for at least another night," I say after fully calming down. I wish I understood my own moods sometimes. 

"Well, we have alcohol that needs to be drank, probably some snacks left over, TV-" As if on cue, the second Trevor said TV, the power went out. I sigh and he laughs a little. 

He takes a seat next to me and puts an arms around my shoulder pulling me into him. 

"Or we could just sit in silence," 

"You can only keep your mouth closed for so long. You shut up all night, you'll be talking my ear off the entire ride home," I tell him laughing a little. 

"Ok fair enough," 

The two of us sit in silence a little. However, the storm has made the silence louder than an average game day at Michigan. 

"I'm getting a drink," 

I stand up and rush downstairs and look around for anything we haven't drank while being here. I notice two half drank wine bottles and grab them off the counter. There were beers in the fridge too so I grabbed those for Trevor. 

I walk back upstairs and hand him the case of beers while taking a sip of the wine. 

"Are you trying to get me drunk enough so I will listen to you?" He asks. 

"Trevor you listen less when you are a drunk," I reply. 

The two of us downed our drinks pretty quickly to get on a more comfortable level for the occasion. I'm sure if anyone could see the moment they would have a great time. The two of us sitting on an edge of a bed drinking as much as we possibly can to avoid talking. 

A beautiful sight if I do say so myself. 

As soon as the last beer was gone and my bottle was empty I looked over at the boy next to me who already had his eyes on me. 

"I'm gonna kiss you," Trevor slurs. I laughed a little not fully taking in what he said while he leaned in. Our lips touch at the same time a loud crash of thunder comes down. If that isn't foreshadowing our relationship I don't know what is. 

Our kiss becomes more passionate and all I could taste was a mix of moscato and Corona. I don't know if I wanted to throw up or savor the moment. I leaned back a little and Trevor slowly got on top of me without breaking the kiss. 

The two of us were completely wrapped up in each other and our own thoughts. The alcohol was going straight to my head and I could feel a mix of bliss and headache. 

"I want you so bad, and not even just sexually," Trevor whispers into the kiss. 

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