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Babe? What the fuck did this fucking blue eyed demon just tell the guys? Why the fuck does he think it is ok to call me babe? Does he not realize that it was fully an accident. And if anything, he took advantage of a drunk girl. 

That's my side of the story. I was going to act cordial, he doesn't deserve it anymore. 

"You heard him Jack, he needs help,"

"Lana, I need your help, come on. Five minutes," Trevor gives me puppy dog eyes and walks closer to me. Instead of him dragging me somewhere else, Jules walks inside with Jack and leaves the two of us outside. 

"What the fuck is your problem Zegras?" 

"I need you to be my girlfriend," 

"What?" My what came out more as a scream then a question. 

"Not for real. Just like act like your my girlfriend when Jamie gets here," I am not following him at all. "Listen, he's bringing this girl. My ex or like almost ex. I don't know it's complicated, like situationship kinda thing. And I am trying to stay as far away from her but she convinced us to let her come. I may have freaked on the phone earlier and said I had a girlfriend and she was here, and the guys all said you'd be down," He starts rambling and I sigh. 

"So you need me to be your fake girlfriend for a girl that you hate more than me?" I ask. 

"Yeah basically," 

I stare at him for what felt like  thirty minutes. In reality it was probably like five. He didn't seem phased at all. I just waved his hand in my face as if I was zoned out. Which I was in a way. I was wondering if he had got a brain transplant. 

Before I am able to snap out of my horrified thoughts, the door re-opens and someone walks outside. 

"Yo Z, Jamie and Emma are here," Will says. 

Following him Jamie and a blonde girl walk outside. She was pretty. She had weirdly similar features to me but there were clear differences between us. For one, I would never wear jean shorts with my ass hanging out. Especially if I was driving for hours. 

Trevor takes one look back at me and then looks at the two people. 

The boys run to each other and hug. They seemed very happy together. Maybe they should fake date. I am so not doing this. 

"Trev!" The blonde says smiling at him. She rushes to give him a hug and he puts one arm around her and pats her once before pulling away. 

"Emma, This is my girlfriend Alana," Trevor says motioning me over. I did not agree to this. For the record I need everyone to understand that I never said yes to this. But now I have two choices. 

Embarrass Trevor and say he's lying, or go along with it. I would love to embarrass him right now. I would love to explain that he was too scared to tell this girl she couldn't come so he wanted me to pretend to date him.

"Trev come on," She rolls her eyes with a bitchy smile. "This is what we are doing now?" Her eyes scan me. Up and down. 

FUck embarrassing Trevor. I hate this girl already. I walk over to them and put on the best fake smile I have ever worn. 

"Hey! What's your name again?" I ask her holding onto Trevor's arm. I can feel him take a sigh of relief and I try not to laugh. 

"Emma. So, you are Trevor's new girl of the week or what?" She asks. "Because if I know one thing about this one is he has no idea how to keep one girl for long," She tries to play it cool by adding in a little laugh.

"Oh my god Emma! He's never mentioned you, are you friends from Boston," I ask ignoring her question completely. Jamie and Trevor look at each other scared. You started this Zegras. "Hey babe, wanna grab me a drink?"

"Uh- yeah yeah I got you," Trevor stutters a little and rushes inside bringing Jamie with him. I was happy to be alone with this girl. I can't wait. 

If there is one thing that I find more joy in then Trevor's downfall, it has got to be winning a cat fight.

Emma looks at the boys as they walk inside before I go to sit back down by the pool. She follows me and sits next to me. She already seemed rattled which is hilarious considering I am lying out of my ass and I haven't done anything yet. 

Part of me just feels bad that she cares so much about him. 

"Trevor and I go way back." She says. "We met as freshman,"

"Oh that's cute," I reply. 

"When did you guys meet? And when did this whole relationship start?" She asks. I should've asked Trevor when he was talking to this girl because I have no idea what he has told her or how I can fully respond to this question. 

"I've known him forever actually. Probably elementary school," Thankfully as I respond Trevor walks back outside holding two glasses of something. I take one from him and he sits on the edge of the pool chair I am on. 

"We've been dating since-" Trevor finally being useful for once joins in the conversation. 

"A year," He says. "On and off for about fifteen though," He winks. 

I roll my eyes and take a sip of whatever drink he concocted. It wasn't bad, but I couldn't tell what was in it.

Emma gets a little upset by his answer to her question. I let them talk for a little while I stay sipping on my drink and enjoying the sunlight. 

She must've interrogated him for two hours before finally going inside to talk to or meet everyone else. There was no way this situation was real. It felt like I was watching a teenage Netflix drama. 

"So girlfriend," 

"I'm doing this because she's annoying not for you," 

"Ok but you are still helping me," 

"Good for you," I fake smile. 

"Yeah well, Boat day so let's have a great little date with our friends,"


Hey guys! I really can't tell if you guys are enjoying the story or not lol lmk your thoughts or opinions!! Also feel free to lmk anything you want to see more or less of! 

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