Odd people

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~The way your hair curls and dances in the wind. The way your eyelashes flutter and the way you walk with such poise. You mines well be a drug and I the addict, like a druggie I wouldn't need anything but you.~


Y/n's pov:

We both sat under the tree and suddenly the quiet of Olympus didn't feel as quiet as it did minutes ago. I didn't mind that no birds were chirping, and I didn't mind that there were no natural sounds, it all felt right.

Was it because of the god looking me in the eyes? Apollo was close to me I could practically feel his breath on my face.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" The way he says it leads me to believe he's truly oblivious to the look he is giving me.

Does he truly not know? Or is he playing innocent and holding a plan up his sleeve? Either way, it's unusual how he looks at me, with the glaze that glosses over his eyes and the way they never leave my figure.

Almost like he's-...no. Nope. I refuse. Didn't he like Daphne? Or am I at a time when he hasn't met her yet? Whatever, I'm probably overthinking this, no way a god like him would like someone like me. I have too many imperfections for someone as perfectly sculpted as him.

I back away, at last, finding the close proximity uncomfortable. I pop a grape into my mouth, the flavor of it splashing in my mouth and coating my taste buds like paint. It's odd how it's cold despite the fact that it wasn't placed in the refrigerator.

I say in an attempt to change the subject, "What's it like not being able to eat?" It must suck. It's one of the few enjoyable things. I just feel my worries melt away with a bite of ice cream or popping open a bag of chips. While that could make me sound like a pig. Well-there's no arguing that point.

Whatever, I like food. That's something I'm not scared to admit, unlike the cheerleading squad at my old high school. I'm sure they were nice girls, but was gagging when you saw someone drink a milkshake necessary?

"Should I want to eat? It's sort of difficult to want something you've never had or been able to experience."

"Damn, welp. Don't mean to brag or anything but you're missing out. And that doesn't make sense, lots of people want things they have yet experienced."

"I suppose you're right. Take yourself for example and the effect you have on me."

I stop chewing and raise an eyebrow, "effect?"

He chuckles, the sound almost like a song. "Yes, the effect darling. I never knew I wished to meet someone like you, till I have and I sit under this tree."

I scrunched up my nose. "A bit cheesy don't you think?"

He tilts his head, the golden strands of hair falling to his eyes. "I only speak the truth."

"Sure pal." Words flow from my mouth without much thought. I could have been insensitive or rude, yet that wouldn't have prevented the word vomit from falling off of my tongue.

"May I ask you something mortal?" His look holds

I roll my eyes at the word mortal. "You would ask anyways."

He laughed, "Very true. How did you happen to find yourself in Olympus? I've never heard of a mortal able to come here."

Neither have I. I slump against the tree, my fingers entangling with the grass and its cool touch. I didn't know a place like this was possible in an area so high up from the elements reach. "I don't know. I won't lie to you and say I do."

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