Panathenaia Pt.2

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~We sang our song together, a perfect melody. Though you were pitchy and I couldn't hold a tune we laughed when we screwed up a line. We could always speak our minds when with each other so we didn't care pointing this out. Never will I find comfort in another person as I have found with you.~



Voices, many of them, cheered and laughed.

The sun wasn't very high in the sky, the day had barely begun yet everyone around had a great amount of energy.

Streamers with all sorts of colors wrapped around busy stalls. Laughter and the clattering of pottery was evident. The noise was one of the many things going on in the single scene. The colors were vibrant, and all sorts of silks and clothes were laid out. Spices of all favors are being sold by merchants taking advantage of busy streets. Children and the old, all alike enjoyed the day meant to celebrate their goddess: Athena.

She was the patron, the face of Athens. She had gifted them the generous olive tree. The sacred tree stood tall and with pride at the center of the city.

The day was nowhere near over but people had already begun to prepare the table for the feast. It was a very large one, stretching across many houses.

It was clear to see how happy the people were. This day was special after all. It was a celebration, a holiday that only took place every four years. And when it did happen the people of Athens took great pride in it.

To them, in spirit at least, Athena was there with them. Celebrating the glorious day alongside its people.

Little did they know she was in fact there. She and the other Olympians were scattered throughout the crowd. Of course, no one would notice as they blended in with the mass of people. They all wore hoods, masks and robes as they took part in the human traditions.

Apollo was bartering with a merchant for a vase, the heckling turning more heated by the second. He was enjoying himself, you could tell from the lopsided grin plastered across his lips.

Dionysus was standing off in the corner, every time someone approached him he'd scowl and retreat deeper into the shadows. Why he was there to begin with was a mystery when he was being so standoffish. Normally he'd be halfway through a wine bottle by now, the sight was odd.

Ares, who more often than not doesn't attend festivals, spoke with a passing-by general. Some tried to join in on the conversation, though they became bored quickly and left. This didn't discourage the two from speaking of battle strategies with a passion.

Lesser gods and some demigods were present in the honoring of Athena. The other Olympians would either show or not. The day was still young.

This mattered little to Athena as she stood in front of the Olive tree, the one she so gracefully gifted the people.

Her feet tapped on the ground impatiently, a small frown on her lips. Her demeanor left her with an air of arrogance. People sensed this, when they went to worship the tree they were careful to avoid the goddess in disguise.

She grows still the moment she catches a ball of light to the right of where she stood.

Athena's Pov:

My hands work to pat down my hair, a smile slides into my face with ease. I wore a disguise, though that didn't mean I'd look dreadful in the process. This is my day, I should look my best.

"Athena!" Hera beamed at me, I returned her enthusiastic grin. The woman's feet are fast to patter in my direction, and without asking she wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged her back, my eyes were locked on y/n.

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