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~When you jumped I dove, when you tried I strive. When you smiled I laughed, when those glorious words left your lips I listened. Everything you do I follow close after. You the map and I the sailor. That's why as you no longer walked this earth, I didn't either.~


Y/n's Pov:

"Rise and shine!" My eyes shoot open at the merry voice, I feel Olive begin to move beside me.

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the dark room. Everything was still as mostly everyone was asleep. You know, cause it was still night. If there were birds, even they wouldn't be chirping yet.

I roll over and groan, burying my face into the pillow. Outside it was still dark, meaning it wasn't time to wake up yet. That didn't stop Hera from yanking the covers off my body. The cold readily gave me goosebumps.

I muttered incoherently, "Five more minutes."

"Nonsense! Come now, we have much to do and so little time!" Without missing a beat she latched her hand onto my forearm and yanked. My body jolted in her direction, causing me to hug and cling to my pillow more. "Stop being stubborn!"

I just wrapped my arms and legs against the giant pillow more firmly. I whisper yelled, "Why so early!?" To which Hera only just scoffed. In the pitch black of the room I noticed two large blue eyes looking at me curiously.

The grip she held on my arm grew tight, bruising. "Because time is of the essence!"

"What does that even mean!?" I grew more frustrated as seconds passed where the blanket wasn't on me. It was cold, I was tired, and no sane thoughts would be rushing to my mind at this very moment.

"Whatever I wish for it to mean!" She yanked my arm again, this time I came fully off the bed. I tumbled onto the floor in a heap of sheets and pillows. Olive jumped down from the bed and landed on my gut, a groan escaped me.

Just as quickly as she brought me to the floor, Hera was lifting me. Without struggle, she brings me to my feet.

How can she be up so early and have this much energy? The only times I would wake up this early was for work because I had to, though even that wasn't without a million alarms set. And I've got comfortable here, my sleep schedule was thrown through a loop so I've been sleeping in. Well, as much as I can considering I still have to go to training with Ares.

She dragged me to the door, Olive brushed against my legs and stuck close beside me.

I said suddenly, rubbing away the tiredness from my eyes, "So you're not going to question the cat?" My voice was drowsy, could you blame me?

Hera paused on the pulling for a second and looked back to me with furrowed brows. Her eyes rake over my figure before they land on the cat close to my side, surprise is clear on her face, as if this was her first time registering the black cat. The initial shock cleared away as fast as it had come, she simply sighed.

"We do not have time to question your—odd—choices at the moment." With a quick shake of her head she continued to usher me, I followed.

The door is yanked open by her, she never ceases her grip as she drags me into the dark hallway. Olympus seemed ominous, more quiet than usual at night. Well, I guess this isn't night, more like early morning. Very, very, early morning.  During the day it was already quiet, but at least there was some life then. This just feels like the setup of a horror movie.

"Where are we going?" My eyes landed on Hera, she walked with a purpose and a straight back. I brought my chin up slightly, straightening my own posture and making my stride match hers.

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