Lilly's Message

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~You kissed me, told me I was yours. But your words were hallowed, the ruby lipstick you wore was poisonous and it may have stuck on my lips. I knew this, yet I kissed you again because I'm yours.~


Y/n's Pov:

——Present Time——

I ran my fingers through my hair, walking to the door of my room. Those words seem to come easier than they did a while ago. My room.

Huh. Odd? But in a good way.

The whole walk over here I was worrying about relaxing my nerves. I was close to bursting with how calm I tried to keep my face all of earlier.

It was hard, to say the least. To not blush like a maniac when we were training. After all, I had no reason to be, we were simply just training.

Despite this fact, I still struggled. I tried not to look weird in front of Ares when so close to his face. I didn't know close combat meant we had to be so—close.

Why am I so awkward?

I pet Olive who's resting in my arms, her head lying on my chest. She purrs softly. My hands combing through her hair become more aggressive with every passing thought. Her purring becomes a soft growl.

Geez, he probably thinks there's something wrong with me.

I try to shake off the thought once in front of my door.

As soon as the door opens I'm slapped with this lovely smell. I smell eggs and something that seems sweet. Gotta love that.

My eyes swiftly look to the source of the divine smell. I catch a head of golden brown curls. A smile curls my lips when the head flips around and I see her face. Lilly!

Once I take the first step in the room Olive leaps from my arms, running into a corner in the room. My eyes linger on her for a moment, though my concern subsides remembering she doesn't like Lilly.

Speaking of—"Good morning!" I smiled, practically jogging to get to her.

Lilly speaks in her usual soft manner: "Y/n, good morning. I didn't expect you to be here so soon."

I laughed a bit, "Yeah I'm usually late to come back in. But with this new fighting thing, Ares said I can't push myself too much so we stopped early." My eyebrow twitched.

He said we wouldn't, but I can still feel sweat dripping down my back. I hate sweating, it's sticky and makes you smell. Ew. Long story short he lied, we did push it. Well at least I did, I'm not sure what 'pushing it,' even means for a man of his physique.

"Oh, I see...Well, your breakfast is here." She holds a tray, on it is a plate stuffed to the brim with food. My mouth salivates looking at it.

The eggs are buttery yellow, fluffy, and steaming. Besides the plate is a bowl of porridge, it has a sprinkle of sugar at the top. It's a light shade of brown, the mush is creamy and thick. This too was steaming, the smell was sweet.

My stomach growls and a small pink overcomes my face. Lilly laughs, and I awkwardly laugh as she sets the tray down. She claps her hands in front of her stomach, this confuses me as she suddenly turns stoic.

"Y/n,  Athena left me a message to give you."

I pry my eyes away from the food long enough to see the seriousness in her eyes. "Okay? What's up?" Lilly looked slightly puzzled by my words but shook her head softly.

Greek Gods Passion For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora